Austrian Studies Association Annual Conference 2019

Austrian Studies Association Annual Conference 2019

Bowling Green State University; Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg
Bowling Green State University
United States
From - Until
11.04.2019 - 14.04.2019
Andreas Praher, Fachbereich Geschichte, Universität Salzburg

CfP: Austrian Studies Association Annual Conference 2019
“Austria in Europe: Migration, Immigration, Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives”
Bowling Green State University, 11-14 April 2019

A Joint Conference of Bowling Green State University, Ohio and the Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg.

We invite scholars in history, literary or cultural studies, art or music history, and political science to submit proposals for individual presentations or panels for the annual Austrian Studies Association 2019 on topics related to the following topics:

- Austria as European Interzone: Contemporary or Historical Perspectives
- Austria as European Center or Periphery?
- Regional Approaches and Global Aspects of Migration in Austria
- Austria’s Response to the Refugee Crisis: European Solidarities and Distinctions
- Welcome Culture in Austria/ in Europe
- Austria and Transnational European Memory Politics
- Ethnic Minorities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
- Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Austria
- Nationalist/ Populist Politics: Austria’s FPÖ and Nationalist Parties in Europe
- 100 Years First Republic: from multinational monarchy to “Rumpfstaat” republic
- Military culture from the Empire to the EU
- Former Kronländer: Imperial, National, and European identities
- Destination USA: Emigration of Donauschwaben to the US after WW II
- Hyphenated Identities in Austria
- Austrian Identity Politics within the European Context
- Austrian Literature and Film & the “Eastern European Turn” (Brigid Haines)
- Mapping Austrian Literary and Filmic Culture within Europe
- Intercultural Dialogs/ Intercultural Projects
- Translation: Austrian/ European Literary and Cultural Production
- Contemporary Plays of Migration: Jelinek, Rabinowich, etc.
- Austria and Germany: cultural, economic, and diplomatic relations
- Vienna as a European capital of culture
- Roman Catholicism as local identity and transnational institution
- Neutrality as ideal and reality

Keynote Addresses/ Special presentations:
- Dr. Sylvia Hahn, Vice-Rector of the University of Salzburg, historian, spec. in migration history
- Dr. Manfred Mittermayer, Director of the Literary Archive of
the University of Salzburg.
- Literary Reading: Max Kade Writer in Residence at BGSU (tba) will serve as our writerin residence for the conference.
- Documentary Film: Djordje Cenic’s documentary film “Unten” about identity of the second generation migrants from former Yugoslavia in Austria.

Please direct questions or submit abstracts of no more than 300 words or panel proposals with three or four abstracts, a brief curriculum vitae (including affiliation, rank and one or two publications or other evidence of scholarly work) to
Christina Guenther ( Dept. of WRLD, BGSU or
Andreas Praher ( Dept. of History, Universität Salzburg
by 1 November 2018. Papers and panels can be held in English or in German.


Contact (announcement)


Universität Salzburg, Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich