Beyond East and West. Hellenistic Commagene in its local and global Eurasian context

Beyond East and West. Hellenistic Commagene in its local and global Eurasian context

Prof. Dr. Engelbert Winter, WWU Münster; Prof. Dr. Miguel John Versluys / Stefan Riedel, M.A., Leiden University; Asst. Prof. Dr. Michael Blömer, Aarhus University
Hörsaalgebäude des Exzellenzclusters, Johannisstraße 4
Vom - Bis
29.11.2018 - 01.12.2018
Stefan Riedel, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University

The history and archaeology of Hellenistic Commagene forms a rich field of study, not in the least because of the remarkable monuments and inscriptions of king Antiochos I (who ruled between c. 70 and 36 BC) that could be said to dominate the Commagenean landscape and its archaeology until the present day.
The last decade has seen the publication of many important new books and articles on Hellenistic Commagene while fieldwork in the region continues to produce novel insights as well. From all this work a different picture of Hellenistic Commagene now seems to emerge; a picture in which Hellenistic Commagene it is no longer understood as peripheral and out-of-the-ordinary, as earlier scholarship tended to do, but rather as a central node in a global Hellenistic network – and in many regards exemplary of socio-cultural developments in the wider Hellenistic world.
Building on this exciting development, the conference aims at a critical evaluation of all these new ideas and simultaneously works towards a novel and state-of-the-art overview for the history and archaeology of Hellenistic Commagene, integrating various Anglo and Continental research traditions in Hellenistic archaeology and history with that. Day 1 will be devoted to the history and archaeology of Commagene
proper; Day 2 will try and place Commagene in its wider Hellenistic context by presenting a wide variety of comparable case-studies.


Thursday, 29.11.2018

18:15–18:30 Welcoming address on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Forschungsstelle Asia Minor, Michael Quante (Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Knowledge Transfer at the WWU
Münster) and Klaus Zimmermann (Head of the Forschungsstelle Asia Minor)

18:30–19:30 Public Evening Lecture
Die Erforschung der antiken Kulturlandschaft Kommagene und der Beitrag der Forschungsstelle Asia Minor, Engelbert Winter (Münster)

Friday, 30.11.2018

Archaeology and History of Hellenistic Commagene – The Local Context

Historiography and History

09:00–09:30 Introduction, Miguel John Versluys (Leiden)

09:30–10:10 Hellenized Iranians, Stefan Hauser (Konstanz)

10:10–10:50 Before Antiochus: Commagene and the Royal and Religious Legacies of the Achaemenids and Perso-Macedonian Dynasties of Anatolia and the Caucasus, Matthew P. Canepa (Minneapolis)

Epigraphy, Numismatics, Architecture and Archaeology

11:10–11:50 The Epigraphical Culture of Dynastic Commagene, Charles Crowther (Oxford)

11:50–12:30 Coinage in Hellenistic Commagene: What’s New?, Margherita Facella (Pisa)

12:30–13:10 Local Peculiarities of the Late-Hellenistic Architecture
of Commagene and Problems of their Dating, Werner Oenbrink (Cologne)

14:10–14:50 Transforming Objectsapes in Samosata – The Impact of the Palatial Complex, Lennart Kruijer (Leiden/Münster) and Stefan Riedel (Leiden/Münster)

Religion and Images

14:50–15:30 ΠΡΩΤΟΣ ΑΝΑΛΑΒΩΝ ΤΗΝ ΚΙΤΑΡΙΝ – Connectivity and Individuality in the Self-Portrayal of Antiochos I of Commagene, Bruno Jacobs (Basel)

15:30–16:10 Dynastic Religion in Commagene, Albert de Jong (Leiden)

16:30–17:10 The Apotheosis of Antiochos I: Orontid Kingship in its Hellenistic Context, Rolf Strootman (Utrecht)


17:10–17:50 A Place Between? Time, Echoes and Experience in Commagene, Anna Collar (Aarhus)

Commagene in its Regional Context – The Immediate Neighbour

17:50–18:30 The Armenian Connection from the Orontids to the Artaxiads, Giusto Traina (Paris)

Saturday, 01.12.2018

Commagene in its Global Context – Comparative Studies

Looking East – Central Eurasia and Parthia

09:00–09:40 ‘Syncretism’ in Religion and Art: Conceptualising Religious Practice in Hellenistic Central Asia, Rachel Mairs (Reading)

09:40–10:20 Beyond, yet In-between: The Caucasus,the Hellenistic World and Eurasian Networks, Lara Fabian (Freiburg)

10:40–11:20 Commagene and the Parthians, Rahim Shayegan (Los Angeles)

Looking South – Egypt and the Extended Levant

11:20–12:00 The Architecture of Tell adh-Dhahab West in the Hellenistic Period, Julia Hertzer (Berlin)

12:00–12:40 An Idumean, Jewish, Hellenistic King or a Roman Vassal? Herod’s Multiple Identities as Reflected in his Art and Architecture, Orit Peleg-Barkat (Jerusalem)

14:00–14:40 Nabatean “Identity” in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East, Stephan G. Schmid (Berlin)

14:40–15:20 Ptolemaic Alexandria as a New Reference: The Case of the Anfouchi Necropolis, Eleni Fragaki (Leiden/Alexandria)

Looking West – The Mediterranean

15:40–16:20 Delos Beyond East and West – Domestic Architecture and the Concept of Glocalization, Monika Trümper (Berlin)

16:20–17:00 Decoscapes in Hellenistic Italy, Annette Haug (Kiel)

17:00 Final discussion/Wrap up, Andreas Kropp (Nottingham)


Stefan Riedel

Leiden University, Faculty of Archaeology, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC Leiden

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