Dienstag, 26.2.2019
9.00-9.30 Uhr
Introduction: The Paper Trade in Early Modern Europe
(Daniel Bellingradt, Erlangen)
Session 1: Hotspots and Trade Routes (Chair: tba)
9.30-10.10 Uhr
Selling Paper in Early Modern Venice: Booksellers, Bookbinders, and the "Librari da carta bianca" (Anna Gialdini, London)
10.10-10.40 Uhr
Early Papermakers and Paper Traders in Sixteenth-Century Frankfurt (Megan Williams, Groningen)
10.40-11.15 Uhr
Coffee Break
11.15-11.55 Uhr
The Paper Supply of a Printing House as a Mirror of the Paper Trade in the Early Modern Low Countries: the Case of Dirk Martens’ Workshop (Renaud Adam, Liege)
11.55-12.35 Uhr
Juan Tomás Fabario and the Paper Trade in Sixteenth-Century Castile (Benito Rial Costas, Madrid)
12.35-13.15 Uhr
Ream Trail. The Paper Flows Through the Danish Sound, 1600-1850 (Jan Willem Veluwenkamp, Groningen)
13.15-14.30 Uhr
Lunch Break
14.30-15.10 Uhr
Networks of Paper in Late Medieval England (Orietta da Rold, Cambridge)
15.10-15.50 Uhr
Water and Wire: the Flow of Paper between the Ottoman Empire and Europe around 1800 (Rebecca Bayram, Birmingham)
15.50-16.30 Uhr
How To Load A Camel: The Trans-Saharan Trade in Paper and Its Connections to Europe, c. 1650-1900 (Michaelle M. Biddle, Middletown)
16.30-17.00 Uhr Coffee Break
Session 2: Usual dealings (Chair: tba)
17.00-17:40 Uhr
Paper Within the Early Modern News Business (Nina Lamal, Antwerp)
17.40-18.20 Uhr
Types and Sources of Paper in Late Medieval and Early Modern Finland. A Case Study on Paper Trade and the Written Management of Information in Raseborg Castle in 1373-1558 (Tapio Salminen, Tampere)
Mittwoch, 27.2.2019
9.00-9.40 Uhr
The Acquisition of Paper by the Tartu University Print Shop, 1632-56 (Anu Lepp, Tartu)
9.40-10.20 Uhr
The Usage and Acquisition of Paper in the Jagiellonian Courts, 1490-1507 (Krisztina Rábai, Szeged)
10.20-11.00 Uhr
The International Castilian Commerce of Paper Through the Port of Laredo During the Reign of Philipp II. (Ramón Bárcena, Santander)
11.-11.30 Uhr Coffee Break
11.30-12.10 Uhr
The Paper Purchases of the Dutch East India Company's Amsterdam Chamber in the Eighteenth Century (Frank Birkenholz, Groningen)
12.10-12.50 Uhr
Paper Trails of Guðbrandur Þorláksson: The Paths of Purchasing Paper for the Sixteenth-Century Bishop of Hólar, Iceland (Silvia Veronika Hufnagel, Vienna/ Reykjavík)
12.50-14.30 Uhr
Lunch Break
Session 3: Recycling Economies (Chair: tba)
14.30-15.10 Uhr
Material Sensibilities: Paper, Chemistry, and Recycling in the Late Eighteenth Century (Andreas Weber, Twente)
15.10-15.50 Uhr
Waste Paper in Early Modern England (Anna Reynolds, York)
15.50-16.30 Uhr
Coffee Break
16.30-17.10 Uhr
Finding Value in Waste. The Trade of Scrap-Paper in Eighteenth Century Amsterdam (Sandra Zawrel, Erfurt)
17.10-17.50 Uhr
Mixed Fibres: Recycling and Paper in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh (Claire Friend, Edinburgh)