Emperors and Imperial discourse in Italy, c. 1300-1500

Emperors and Imperial discourse in Italy, c. 1300-1500

Royal Dutch Institute in Rome, Istituto Storico Italiano per Il Medio Evo, École Française de Rome
Vom - Bis
05.11.2018 - 07.11.2018
Anne Huijbers

Describing the Holy Roman Empire after the death of Frederick II as an empty formula in a changed world, historians have long obscured the impact of the imperial presence in late medieval Italy. However, orations, histories, treatises, and letters show that many Italian intellectuals, including important humanists, remained fascinated by the medieval continuation of the Roman empire. The contemporary Holy Roman Emperor was still generally considered as the lawful leader of the Christian world and the supreme defender of peace. Contrary to what is commonly thought, humanists added to the imperial myth by applying a classicizing vocabulary to the Holy Roman Emperor.

This conference sheds light on contemporary discourses on the imperial presence in Italy in a period that saw the breakthrough of the humanist movement: 1300-1500. It aims to increase our understanding of the perception of the contemporary Holy Roman Emperors in Italy and pays special attention to humanists who imitated a classical vocabulary. The imitation of Roman emperors is both a sign of the Renaissance and a central aspect in medieval political thought. The two came together when the German rex Romanorum descended into Italy for his imperial coronation. How is this described by contemporaries, especially by those with humanist tastes? To what extent did they break with medieval modes of imperial representation?


Royal Dutch Institute in Rome, Monday 5 November

Welcome Arno Witte (KNIR)
Introduction Anne Huijbers (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Opening lectures:

Humanism, republicanism, and empire: a reappraisal
Alexander Lee (University of Warwick)

Emperors of Rome: Italy in imperial politics and imagination, 1308-1452
Len Scales (Durham University)


Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, Tuesday 6 November

Welcome Massimo Miglio (ISIME)

Session 1: Imperium and Res publica: conflict or harmony?
Moderator: Daniela Rando (Università di Pavia)

Cicero and the use of the term res publica in fourteenth-century Italy
Carole Mabboux (EFR)

Imperium e res publica nelle lettere di Cola di Rienzo e nel racconto delle cronache
Anna Modigliani (Università della Tuscia)

Fazio degli Uberti, il Dittamondo e l’ideologia imperiale
Juan Carlos D’Amico (Université de Caen Normandie)

Session 2: Emperors, jurists and humanists
Moderator: Andreas Rehberg (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom)

Der Rex Romanorum als Advocatus Ecclesiae: die Vorverhandlungen des Constantiense in Italien 1413-1414
Wolfgang Decker (Heinsberg)

La forza vitale di un’idea: l’impero insegnato all’università al tempo dei concili, 1414-1449
Daniela Rando (Università di Pavia)

Rom 1433: Ein Papst-Kaiser-Treffen und seine humanistische Rezeption
Veronika Proske (Corvinus University of Budapest)

Federico III in Italia tra politica e retorica
Riccardo Pallotti (Archivio di Stato di Modena)

EFR, Wednesday 7 November

Welcome Catherine Virlouvet (EFR)

Session 3: Empire and historiography
Moderator: Dario Internullo (Università Roma Tre)

Emperor and empire in late-medieval universal chronicles
Heike Johanna Mierau (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

The professionalisation of imperial history: Giovanni Mansionario’s Historie Imperiales and Benvenuto da Imola’s Augustalis Libellus
Anne Huijbers (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Gli imperatori di Albertino Mussato
Rino Modonutti (Università di Padova – S.I.S.M.E.L.)

Discussion and closing


Anne Huijbers

Radboud University Nijmegen
Erasmusplein 1, Nijmegen


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