Who is Europe?

CoHERE Project and POLIN Museum
POLIN Museum
Vom - Bis
22.11.2018 - 23.11.2018
CoHERE Project

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and Newcastle University are organizing a conference on the topic “Who is Europe?”. It will be of interest to academics from a wide range of disciplines, as well as to museum and heritage professionals.

22-23 November (Thursday - Friday), POLIN Museum, free admission, BOOKING REQUIRED https://www.polin.pl/en/event/who-is-europe-international-conference?d=0

The final conference of the CoHERE Project (Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, analyses differing productions and meanings of the European past in the present.
Drawing on the notion of crisis, we will reflect on questions of transformation and belonging relating to: dynamics of European identities; strategic uses of European heritages; and the Europeanisation of memory.
The CoHERE project seeks to identify and understand European heritages (engaging with their socio-political and cultural significance) and their potential for developing communitarian identities. CoHERE addresses an apparently intensifying EU crisis through a study of relations between identities and representations and performances of the past. It explores the ways in which heritages can be used for division and isolation, or to find a common ground. The project aims to propose governmental, institutional and educational strategies that would respond, on the basis of dialogue between different narrations and memories, to the crisis of European identity.

Languages of the conference: English and Polish (simultaneous translation).

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693289.

The event is part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH 2018).


Thursday 22nd November 2018

09.00-09.30 Registration and coffee

09.30-09.50 Conference opening and welcome
Jolanta Gumula, Deputy Director for Programming, POLIN Museum
Christopher Whitehead, Coordinator of CoHERE project

09.50-11.50 Session 1: Dimensions of European Heritage (part 1) Chair: Rhiannon Mason
Christopher Whitehead & Susannah Eckersley, Productions and Omissions of European Heritage
Ayhan Kaya & Lora Sariaslan, Uses of the Past in Populist Political Discourse and Representations of (Post)Colonialism in Museums
Ullrich Kockel, Cultural Forms and Expressions of European Identity

Lunch break

12.50-14.20 Session 2: Spaces of Memory Chair: Rafał Rogulski
Renata Piątkowska, Jewish Heritage and the Collection of the POLIN Museum
Cristina Petrescu, Windows to the Past, Bridges to the Future. The European Heritage of the Former Communist Europe
Roma Sendyka, Non-memory is not Forgetting: Managing Difficult Pasts in Eastern European Communities of Implication

Coffee break

14.40-16.20 Session 3: Performing, Enacting, Remembering Chair: Ian Biddle
Marta Karkowska, Local Narrations about the Past: Whose is This Narrative Actually?
Kerstin Pfeiffer, Borderland Stories: Engaging with the Past in German-Czech Bilingual Theatre
Simon McKerrell, Sound Structure as Political Structure in the European Folk Orchestra: La Banda Europa
Valdis Muktupavels & Ruta Muktupavela, Reflections on European Identity through Musical Heritage: Folk-oratorio “Rivers of our Being”

Visit to POLIN exhibitions

18.30- 20.00 Keynote: Adam Bodnar, Human Rights Doctrine in the Context of Cultural Diversity

Friday 23rd November 2018

09.00-09.10 Opening of the 2nd day of the conference, Christopher Whitehead, Coordinator of CoHERE project

09.10- 11.10 Session 4: Dimensions of European Heritage (part 2) Chair: Christopher Whitehead
Monika Seyfried & Gabi Arrigoni, Imagining Dialogue around Heritage through Digital Design Methods
Troels Myrup Kristensen, Education, Classical Heritage and Identities
Ilaria Porciani, Heritage to Cook

Coffee break

11.30-13.20 Session 5: Europe Musealized? Chair: Włodzimierz Borodziej
Zofia Wóycicka & David Clarke, Negotiating Difficult Heritage at the German-Russian Museum in Berlin-Karlshorst
Paweł Machcewicz, The Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk: an Attempt to Combine National and European Narratives of the Second World War
Areti Galani & Gabi Arrigoni, Digital Dialogic Displays and European Narratives: Between Reflexive Processes and Simulated Encounters
Constanze Itzel, Squaring the Circle: Addressing Europe’s Complexity in a Museum Exhibition

Lunch break

14.00-15.50 Session 6: Mapping, Belonging and Othering Chair: Ayhan Kaya
Erica Lehrer, From “Heritage Communities” to “Communities of Implication”: Curating Complexity and Creating New Kin in Subject-Object Relations
Máiréad Nic Craith, Mapping Scots onto the European Heritagescape
Lia Galani & Evangelia Mavrikaki, “How European Do You Feel”? Use Eurocraft (Vid-maps) Serious Game Prototype to Communicate the Notions of European Identity, European Other and Sense of Place
Ayşe Tecmen, Populist Political Rhetoric in Turkey: How Does “the Other” See Europe?

Coffee break

16.10-18.00 Session 7: Critical Heritages of Europe Film presentation (1 hour) followed by round table discussion and closing remarks
Chair: Cornelius Holtorf
Panelists: Joanna Wawrzyniak, Christopher Whitehead, Susannah Eckersley

Coffee break

18.30-20.00 Keynote: Gurminder K. Bhambra, Colonial Histories / Postcolonial Societies: On the Politics of Selective Memory in Europe


Dr Susannah Eckersley

Newcastle University, UK

