Towards a New Political History of the Court, c. 1200–1800: Delineating Practices of Power in Gender, Culture, and Sociability

Towards a New Political History of the Court, c. 1200–1800: Delineating Practices of Power in Gender, Culture, and Sociability

Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris
Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris
Vom - Bis
15.11.2018 - 16.11.2018
Pascal Firges

Dynastic centres, or courts, played a pivotal role in the state building processes out of which developed our modern political practices and institutions. Yet, for a long time, the court was regarded primarily as the field of anecdotal ‘petite histoire’ and consequently neglected by scholarly research. In recent years, however, the exploration of the dynastic centre made considerable progress, as historians sought to build on, and go beyond, the venerable sociological models of Norbert Elias. The exploration of symbolic communication, patronage, micro-politics, gender, the body, materiality, and transculturality are only some of the innovative approaches that have been brought to bear on the subject of court history and they have produced remarkable results. We now understand that the court was a multifaceted space for innovation in the arts, and sciences, in religious and political thought, as well as a central hub for the deployment of power relationships. But how do these different aspects interact? And how do these new approaches modify our current understanding of, for instance, state-building narratives? Do they suggest new chronologies, and do we consequently have to rewrite traditional textbook narratives in order to reflect these new impulses? Building on such questions, this conference invites its participants to reflect and discuss on how to conceptualise the political dimension of courtly culture and sociability in the context of a new political historiography of the court.


Thursday 15 November 2018

10:00 Welcome & Introduction
Pascal FIRGES (DHIP/IHA), Regine MARITZ (Universität Bern)

11:20–12:40 Panel 1: Gender
Chair: Britta KÄGLER (NTNU Trondheim)
Pernille ARENFELDT (American University of Sharjah): Gendering Politics at the Courts of Sixteenth-Century Germany
Regine MARITZ (Universität Bern): Gender Difference and the Practice of Power at the Early Modern Court of Württemberg

14:00–15:20 Panel 2: Bodies, Sexuality, and Emotions I
Chair: Regine MARITZ (Universität Bern)
Tom TÖLLE (Universität Hamburg): Courts, Politics, Corporeality: Reflections on a History of Court Politics with the Ailing Bodies Put Back In
Nadine AMSLER (Universität Bern): Wet Nurses and the Power of Milk Relationships at Court

15:40–17:00 Panel 3: Bodies, Sexuality, and Emotions II
Chair: Pascal FIRGES (DHIP/IHA)
Mirko VAGNONI (Université de Fribourg): The Mise-en-scene of the King’s Body at the Angevin and Aragonese Courts of Naples and Palermo (1266–1343)
Aurore CHÉRY (Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes): A New Vision of Sexuality and Power at the French Court through two Famous Letters from Joseph II

17:20–18:40 Panel 4: Religion, Intellecutal Production, and Material Culture I
Chair: TBA
Lana MARTYSHEVA (Université Paris-Sorbonne): The Shifting Political Roles of Court Clerics
Helen WATANABE-O’KELLY (University of Oxford): Religion and Confession as the Bedrock of Monarchy and Court

Friday 16 November 2018

10:00–11:20 Panel 5: Religion, Intellectual Production, and Material Culture II
Chair: Helen WATANABE O’KELLY (University of Oxford)
Elisabeth C. NATOUR (Universität Regensburg): (Un)heard Practices of Power: Toward a Musical History of Court Politics
Karl KÜGLE (University of Oxford): The Duchess Virago: Gender, Religious and Cultural Politics, and their Narratives, in Fifteenth-Century Savoy

11:40–13:00 Panel 6: Family, Household, State I
Chair: Niels MAY (DHIP/IHA)
Leonhard HOROWSKI (Humboldt-Universität Berlin): Useful Ink-Shitters and Decorative Excellencies: The Difficult Relationship between Ministers of State and Courtiers in Brandenburg-Prussia and France, c. 1650–1800
Giora STERNBERG (University of Oxford): Protestations as a Means of Resistance in Bourbon France

14:20–15:40 Panel 7: Family, Household, State II
Chair: Nadine AMSLER (Universität Bern)
Dries RAEYMAEKERS (Radboud Universiteit): Dynasty and Bastardy: The Fate of Illegitimate Royal Children in European Courts, c. 1500–1800
Philip MANSEL (Society for Court Studies): The Reins of Power: The Politics of the French Royal Stables, from Henri III to Louis XVI

16:00–17:20 Panel 8: Global Historical and Transcultural Perspectives
Chair: Pinar KAYAALP (Ramapo College)
Giulia CALVI (New Europe College, Bucharest): Translating Court Cultures. Medical Practice, Scientific Knowledge, and Political Information between the Ottomans and the Medici (1682–1688)
Jeroen DUINDAM (Universiteit Leiden): Why Global Comparison? The Example of the Court

17:20–18:30 Final Discussion


Pascal Firges

Institut historique allemand
8 rue du Parc-Royal, 75003 Paris