The Rise of Asia in Global History and Perspective / La Montee de l'Asie en Histoire et Perspective Globales

The Rise of Asia in Global History and Perspective / La Montee de l'Asie en Histoire et Perspective Globales

Université Le Havre Normandie, Groupe de recherche identités et cultures (GRIC)
Paris and Le Havre
Vom - Bis
13.03.2019 - 15.03.2019
Georges Claude Guilbert

"The twenty-first century is emerging as the Asian century. During the first half of this century, the Asian region, extending from the Pacific Ocean to the Arabian Sea and northwards, to include Central Asia, is likely to establish itself as the new centre of the economic universe. This will draw to a conclusion three centuries of Western dominance over the world economic resources and for much of this time, its political spaces. This transformation in the world economic order will not be painless either for the East or for the West. Indeed, the transition has the potential for causing much grief to the world as no established order is likely to cede its hegemony without challenge.
The significant point of departure during this phase of transition lies in the fact that the receding economic power of the West (also more broadly classified as the North), dominated by the United States (US), remains and is likely to remain in the immediate future the dominant military power. Historically, the dominant political power, whether it was Rome, Britain or the US was, within its own spheres of influence, also the dominant military as well as economic power. This erosion of the economic power of the West while retaining military dominance with the US and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies, does not bode well for an easy transition for the global order."


"How the established powers of the West, led again by the US, will react to this changing balance of economic power towards Asia, which has narrowed their competitive space and domestic employment opportunities, remains a challenge for the leaders of the Western world. How far the hitherto dominant West will go to preserve their hegemony over their economic order remains critical in determining whether the Asian century will evolve peacefully or through a process of turmoil." (Rehman Sobhan, ”The Political Economy of the Asian Century” in Manoranjan Mohanty, Vinod C. Khana, Biswajit Dhar (eds.) with a foreword by Boutros-Boutros Ghali, Building a Just World. Essays in Honour of Muchkund Dubey, India, New Delhi, Orient Black Swan, 2015, pp. 144-161).

The quotation above raises many questions: will military powers continue to determine the future of the world? Can military forces establish a world order based on peace, justice and non-violence? Does economic development entail military development? Is economic power equal with military power? Is there any other force than military that may rule the world locally and globally? Do the weak, the poor, the marginalized, the dominated, the discriminated, the oppressed, the disadvantaged have any chance to change their state of being in a non-violent way?

It is to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi that the questions of world order based on peace, justice and non-violence are chosen to be the main subject of presentation and discussion of the third edition of The Rise of Asia Conference Series. It encourages the participation of scholars from a wide range of scientific disciplines (area studies, cultural studies, ecology, economics, geography, history, humanities, languages, management, political and social sciences...) and practitioners from diverse professional fields (business, civil society, education, enterprise, government, management, parliament, public policy, social and solidarity movements...), based in diverse geographical areas (Africa, North and South America, Australia, Asia, Europe, Pacific...).

The conference is open to individual and group paper presentations. Those willing to present their papers are invited to submit their proposals following the GUIDELINES FOR PRESENTER CANDIDATES described below. The conference call for papers lasts from November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019. The selected proposals will be communicated to their authors between December 2018 and February 2019.


Special sessions/Roundtables/Workshops will be organised if there is enough number of proposals on the following topics:

Asia-Eastern Europe
Asia-Latin America
Asia-Middle East-North Africa Asia-North America Asia-Pacific-Oceania
Asia-Western Europe
Asia-World System
BRICS-World Order Culture-Literature-Religion-Spirituality Ecology-Architecture-Urbanism Gender-Women Issues
Social and solidarity movements


The selection of presenters is based on the abstract and the basic personal data of the presenter candidates in respect to the following dates:

1. Deadline for abstract submission: January 31, 2019
2. Announce of the selected presenters: December 2018-February 2019
3. Deadline for full paper submission: February 28, 2019

The abstract is limited to approximately 300 words (figures, tables, and references should not be included in the abstract) accompanied by basic personal data of the author(s) including:

- Full name and surname
- Gender (male/female/other)
- University title (if any)
- Specialism (if any)
- Professional category (lecturer/researcher or activist/practitioner or both) - Institution/organisation/company
- Function in institution/organisation/company
- Full address (physical/postal address, phone and fax numbers, email)
The basic personal data are to be presented below the abstract (in the same file of the abstract, not in a separate file)
The full paper is to be presented according to the following basic rule: - Paper size: A4 (kwarto)
- Margins: 2.5 cm from all the borders (top, bottom, left, right)
- Interline: double space
- Typography: Times New Roman, 12 points
- Article size: around 4000 words
- Language: English, British style, article to be checked by a competent person in language editing before submission.

The abstract with basic personal data and the full paper are to be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address:


The presenters as well as simple participants of the conference are supposed to find the necessary fund for their own participation (visa, international and national transport, accommodation).


The organising committee will provide practical information related to local hotels and transport in Paris and Le Havre. The participants will be accompanied by students of the Université Le Havre Normandie in Master’s Degree in Exchanges with Asia (with their language proficiencies in Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean and Russian, in addition to English and French) and Master’s Degree in Exchanges with Latin America (with their language proficiencies in Portuguese and Spanish, in addition to English and French).



Université Le Havre Normandie
Faculty of International Affairs
25, rue Philippe Lebon
76000 Le Havre
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