Knowledge and Governance in the Early Modern Spanish Empire

Knowledge and Governance in the Early Modern Spanish Empire

Universität Tübingen, SFB 923 "Bedrohte Ordnungen", TP F04; Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr/ Marie Schreier
SFB 923, Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen, Zimmer 1.81
From - Until
29.11.2018 - 30.11.2018
SFB 923 / Marie Schreier

The relationship between knowledge production and governance has been at the centre of research on the Spanish Empire for some years. Recent works by Arndt Brendecke, Antonio Barrera-Osorio and Daniela Bleichmar, among others, show the productivity of such approaches. One consensus reached by many recent works seems to be that information was produced and collected by various actors and institutions within the empire, but not necessarily put to use by the governing bodies in Spain. More often than not, the surveys, maps, geographical descriptions, ethnographic studies, plants and specimens, and other data collected were archived without ever becoming the basis of governmental decisions.
However, even with a recent and growing interest in matters of knowledge production and imperial governance, there is still room for further questions. The relation between knowing and not-knowing, recently taken into focus by Cornel Zwierlein, and the connection of knowledge and government practices on a local colonial level are such areas.
The conference is interested in both of these – and related – questions. It brings together recent work on governance, administration, and knowledge production from all parts of the Spanish Empire and Spain itself.

The conference will take place on November 29th--30th, 2018 at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany. It is organised by Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr, professor of Early Modern History at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, and Marie Schreier, PhD candidate and research associate at the same university, in cooperation with the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 923 “Threatened Order – Societies under Stress” at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany.

Participants interested in attending the conference should register with Marie Schreier (


Thursday, 29 November 2018

9.00-9.30 Introduction

Section 1: Legal and Institutional Foundations of Empire

Alexandra Anokhina (Oxford) – Francisco Suarez and Roman Legal Studies in Early Modern Spain
Adrian Masters (Austin) – From Ignorance to Archives. The Council of the Indies' Creation of the Spanish Imperial Archive, 1492-1598

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

Juan Carlos de Orellana Sánchez (Austin) – The Quest for Experience. The Transfer of Ministers in Royal Courts of Justice and the Development of the Indies as Juridical Space (1567-1687)
Santiago Muñoz Arbeláez (Yale/Bogotá) – Personal Visits. The Production of Knowledge and Ignorance in the Making of the New Kingdom of Granada

13.00-14.30 Lunch

Section 2: Threats to the Empire

Jessica Fowler (Segovia/Madrid) – From Knowing Heresy to Identifying Heretics
Eberhard Crailsheim (Madrid) – Knowing the Enemy. The Representation of the 'Moros' in the Early Modern Spanish Philippines

16.00-16.30 Coffee Break

Martin Biersack (Munich) – Migration Politics in Colonial Spanish America. Knowledge Production and Administration Practices
Judith Mansilla (Miami) – Unfitting Preparations. The Politics of Defense of Lima and the ‘Unknowing’ Threat of Natural Disasters in the Seventeenth Century

19.00 Conference Dinner

Friday, 30 November 2018

Section 3: Practices and Places of Information Gathering

Saul Guerrero (Independent Scholar, Caracas) & David Pretel (Mexico City) – Governing of Useful Knowledge in Silver Refining in Colonial Spanish America
Lisa Kattenberg (Amsterdam) – Knowledge, Experience and Ending war in the Netherlands

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break

Marie Schreier (Tübingen) – Precarious Knowledge in the Spanish Campaign Against the Darien Colony (Late 17th Century Panama)

11.45-13.30 Lunch

Philip Baltuskonis (Mississippi) – For the Public Good. Cooperation in Education in the Viceroyalty of New Granada, 1770-1808
Matthew Crawford (Kent, OH) – The Epistemic Culture of Empire. Focused and Panoptic Knowledge Production in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish Empire

15.00-16.00 Final Discussion

Contact (announcement)

Marie Schreier

SFB 923 "Bedrohte Ordnungen", Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen

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