ICOHTEC Summer School of 2019: "Technology and Power"

ICOHTEC Summer School of 2019: "Technology and Power"

International Committee for the History of Technology, ICOHTEC
University of Silesia
Vom - Bis
18.06.2019 - 22.06.2019
Hans-Joachim Braun


The Third ICOHTEC Summer School in Katowice will combine the 46th ICOHTEC Symposium with a three-day intensive seminar course geared to PhD students and young post-doctoral scholars. The Summer School brings together conventional seminars and the participation in the ICOHTEC Symposium. The topic of the ICOHTEC Summer School is “Technology and Power”. In line with the main thematic objectives of the ICOHTEC Symposium, the Summer School aims to approach its theme open-mindedly and multidisciplinarily. The School enhances students’ skill to comprehend and study versatile relationships between society and technology.

In particular, the Summer School aims to deal with these questions:
- What are the main thematic implications of the theme technology and power?
- Which theoretical concepts and methodological approaches are most suitable dealing with it?
- What could a new and original approach to the theme look like?

Intuitively, the phrase “Technology and Power” refers to political and military power, surveillance, large-scale energy systems and colossal infrastructure projects, i.e. intentional power that public or private institutions exercise in society by means of technology while trying to achieve their goals. On the other hand, technology has also concealed or even unintentional power with respect to people, media, education, language, life style and the body. In addition, there are attempts to gain an upper hand of technology and related standard values. Maintaining, repairing and appropriating technologies or designing them on a human scale are applied to tame technology running wild due to fierce competition of business interests.

Shortly, the Summer School aims to study relationships between technology and power from broad and many-sided viewpoints. It is open to versatile approaches and traditions.
The ICOHTEC Summer School consists of two parts:

Part 1. Interactive discussion seminars
Objectives of the School include inspiration and discussion. Daily lectures and students’ research papers (generally on their PhD or post-doc projects distributed in advance) are to inspire participants. The aim is to appropriate discussion on research topics to methodo¬¬logical and theoretical approaches. Expert tutors will moderate these dis-cussions in small groups. A joint feedback colloquium will end the School.

Part 2. Active attendance in the ICOHTEC Symposium
Students of the Summer School are expected to participate in the ICOHTEC Symposium and its scientific sessions according to their personal tailor-made schedules.

Participants pay for the Summer School the registration fee of 60 € or the combined fee of 130 € for both the School and the following Symposium. These fees include participation services and lunches. Accommodation at student dormitories and a limited number of ICOHTEC travel grants will be available. All students who complete the programme will receive an attendance certificate.

Target Participants

- PhD students with a subject-appropriate academic background.
- Post-doctoral researchers with a subject-appropriate academic background

Participants are expected to
- be able to speak, read and write in English.
- undertake preparatory reading in advance of the programme.
- attend all lectures and seminar sessions.
- be actively engaged in the topics of the sessions.
- attend the ICOHTEC 2019 Symposium and present a paper there as a single or co-author.
- submit a final assignment of 2,000-2,500 words on one of the topics discussed in the Summer School within six weeks after the summer school.


- Deadline for applications: Monday 4 March 2019
- Applicants must send the following data by email file attachments to Hans-Joachim Braun, hjbraun@hsu-hh.de :
1) A brief one-page cv, which includes the main personal data, academic training and career, selected publications and e-mail for further contact.
2) A short statement of purpose (350-400 words) detailing your academic reasons for wishing to attend the summer school. This should include your expectations what you hope to get out of the summer school, and what you are likely to contribute to the intellectual life of the summer school. This may include details of history, political or social science courses you have previously taken, or the relevance of the summer school to your present course of study or professional development. If you are preparing a thesis or research paper at the moment, please write a brief description of it. Include also the title of your possible paper submission to the ICOHTEC Symposium, which follows the Summer School (Further information: icohtec.org/annual-meeting-2019.html ).
3) A letter of recommendation by your teacher or supervisor, referring to your application to the ICOHTEC Summer School.

The subject line of the email should be "Summer School Application" and in the titles of your file attachments mark your surname first and then the title of the file (e.g. Smith_CV).

Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
After the submission of the application, you will receive a response by 30 March 2019.
Members of the Summer School Committee

Hans-Joachim Braun (chair), Germany
Maria Elvira Callapez, Portugal
Timo Myllyntaus, Finland
Sofia Alexia Papazafeiropoulou, Greece
Magdalena Zdrodowska, Poland



Hans-Joachim Braun

Helmut Schmidt Universität, Hamburg
Holstenhofweg. 85, 22043 Hamburg


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