Nordic Trends in Gender Studies

Nordic Trends in Gender Studies

Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World: An Ex­cel­lence Hub in Research, Education and Pub­lic Out­reach (ReNEW)
Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, Århus, Kopenhagen, Reykjavík
Vom - Bis
15.05.2019 - 24.05.2019
Götz, Norbert

ReNEW (Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World) is a research hub established to enhance cooperation to develop new and path-breaking research about the Nordic region against the background of an increasingly challenging global context. Promoting mobility, exchange, high-level conferences, education, and outreach activities, it brings together six Nordic universities with world-wide connections. ReNEW Partners are University of Helsinki, University of Oslo, Södertörn University Stockholm, Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, and University of Iceland.

In collaboration with EDDA – Center of Excellence and the United Nations University Gender Equality Studies and Training (UNU-GEST) Programme, the first ReNEW Summer School will be held at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 15–24 May 2019, with the topic "Nordic Trends in Gender Studies". Experts within the field will introduce students to four separate but interlinked pillars of current Nordic gender research: Intersectionality, migration and labour markets, post-colonialism, as well as trans issues and queer theory. The NORA Conference "Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics" will take place in Reykjavík 22–24 May 2019, and is an integral part of summer school attendance.

Target Participants
- PhD candidates in the humanities or social sciences working on Norden-related topics with an interest in gender issues.
- Advanced MA students in their last year in the humanities or social sciences working on Norden-related topics with an interest in gender issues.

Participants will receive 8 ECTS for this course (the crediting for doctoral studies depending on home departments)

Application Deadline
The Deadline for applications is 31 January 2019. Applications for participation, including a one-page CV, a 250–500 words abstract of your thesis, and a letter of intent/motivation, are submitted electronically. A link to the electronic application form will be published on this website on 10 December 2018. Applicants are selected on the basis of their motivation with the aim of an equitable representation of ReNEW universities and a diversity of backgrounds. Applications from inside and outside the ReNEW-network are welcome.

Participation Fee
The participation fee of 325 EUR includes accommodation, lunches, lectures, as well as participation in the NORA conference. For inquiries about travel funding opportunities, please contact a ReNEW team member or education manager at your home university. Participants are responsible for appropriate travel and health insurance as well as evening time meals. Student accommodation is equipped with a shared kitchen.

The Nordic region is known for its political emphasis on gender equality, which has been naturalized to the point of broad political consensus. Few politicians in the Nordic region would voice direct opposition to gender equality. However, with such a naturalization of equality discourse, equality itself is in danger of being used to uphold a respectable Nordic appearance, entrenching a utopic image of the Nordic region in terms of gender equality. In a time of increased demand for knowledge and interest in the Nordic model, there is a need to be aware of the constructed and productive nature of gender equality as it plays out differently across the Nordic region.

The course Nordic Trends in Gender Studies is a critical introduction to key issues of research on gender in the Nordic countries. It will engage and encourage participants in the use of theories and analytic concepts employed in the humanities and social sciences. As such, the summer school will be organised around four major themes in gender studies that are of special importance to the Nordic region. These are: Intersectionality, migration and labour markets, post-colonialism, as well as queer theory and trans issues. Students will be encouraged to use the theoretical and methodological tools taught within this framework in their own research projects.

The course will be conducted via lectures, discussions and work-in-progress sessions. It welcomes PhD and advanced Master’s degree students from a range of academic disciplines.

Learning Objective
The course aims to enable participants to use theories and methods of gendered approaches in their own research.

Course format and teaching methods
The course seeks to contribute to the participants’ work through discussions of their own texts as well as on course literature, and by offering relevant lectures, contacts, and insights in the procedures of a major international conference.

Course requests
Participants are requested to read the course literature and circulate a paper of at least 4,000 words by 30 April 2019. Participants will also be required to read a number of each other’s papers and provide feedback during class discussions.

Means and criteria of assessment
Participants who submit the required paper, read the provided text and participate in all academic activities during the summer school pass the course (8 ECTS).


The following experts have confirmed their participation in the ReNEW Summer School:

Diana Mulinari is an anti-racist feminist scholar and activist, and a professor of gender studies at Lund University. Central to her research is to understand how gender, sexuality, class and ”race”/ethnicity do the social and make the political at the cross-roads between personal lives: diverse forms of belonging and national and transnational institutions. Inspired by Marxism and postcolonial feminist theory, Mulinari’s teaching is located within feminist sociology and anthropology, and explores topics such as nation and ethnic belonging, racism, social movements, and globalising processes. She is the author of ‘Re-thinking gender equality and the Swedish welfare state: A view from outside’ (2016), and ‘Human Rights in Argentina: Between Family Memories and Political Identities’ (2015). She has also co-authored numerous publications, including ‘Racist dreams and municipal budgets: Women representing a culturally racist party in local politics’ (2015), ‘Transnational Corporations from the Standpoint of Workers’ (2014) and ‘Birth work: Suffering rituals in late modernity. A case study from a birth clinic’ (2012).

Rikke Andreassen has been a key figure in developing new Nordic theories of whiteness and racialization. She is a Professor (mso) in Communication studies at Roskilde University, Denmark, and has published extensively on the topic of media and race relations in the Nordic region. Her two latest books are ‘Mediated Kinship. Gender, Race and Sexuality in Donor Families’ (2018) and ‘Human Exhibitions: Race, Gender and Sexuality in Ethnic Displays’ (2015). Moreover, she has coedited the books ‘Affectivity and Race: Studies from Nordic Contexts’ (2015) and ‘Mediated Intimacies: Connectivities, Relationalities and Proximities’ (2018).

Christopher Collstedt is an Associate professor of history at Södertörn University. His historical expertise lies specifically within the fields of gender studies and interculturalism. He has also been a lecturer in human rights at Lund University as well as a guest researcher and deputy lecturer at the Department of Criminology at Stockholm University. His focus in research and teaching is strongly interdisciplinary, moving in the intersections of history, gender, human rights and criminology. With a starting point in cultural-historical perspectives in combination with poststructuralist-oriented gender and masculinity theory, Collstedt will introduce students to the historical uses and controversies surrounding theories of intersectionality in the Nordic context.

Anna Karlsdóttir is an Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies at the University of Iceland. She is also a Senior Research Fellow with Nordregio – Nordic Centre for Spatial Development. She is currently coordinating a program on migrant integration and refugees in the Nordic countries (in cooperation with the Nordic Welfare Centre), with a focus on long-term labour market integration and social mobility. She takes an applied rather than theoretical approach to gender in relation to migration and labour markets. As such, she will not only provide students with a comprehensive understanding of these issues at the intra-Nordic level, she will also provide students with the tools they need to confront social issues through empirical observation.

Jón Ingvar Kjaran is an Associate Professor at the School of Education, Faculty of Diversity and Education, University of Iceland and the head of research development at the UNU-GEST Programme ( He has taught and published widely on queer issues and theory from a Nordic perspective, perhaps most notably in the context of education where his concept of queer counterpublic spatialities is of special importance. Moreover, he is working on a book about same-sex desire in post-revolutionary Iran, which will be published in spring 2019. In 2017, he published the book Constructing Sexualities and Gendered Bodies in School Spaces; which is based on his ethnographic research in Icelandic high schools and which sheds light on how sexuality and gender intersect in producing heteronormativity within the Icelandic school system.

For a preliminary programme, see


Dr Thomas Brorsen Smidt
Tel: (+354) 525 4579
Mobile: (+354) 663 1985
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