Wednesday, 13th February 2019
1:15 p.m.
Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha)
Tobias Pfeifer-Helke (Gotha)
2 p.m.
Collections, Science and the Politics of Representation: The Gotha Case
A Guided Tour to Friedenstein Castle and its Collection with Ute Däberitz, Anna-Maria Hünnes, Tom Hübner, Carsten Eckert
6 p.m.
Fossils and Reputations. Geological Collections and Collectors in 19th Century Italy
Pietro Corsi (Oxford)
Thursday, 14th February 2019
9-10:15 a.m.
Guided Tour to the Perthes Collection
10: 45 a.m.
General Introduction
11 a.m.
Provincial Museums and the Many Geographies of 19th Century Natural History and Anthropology
Irina Podgorny (La Plata/Gotha), From Auvergne to the Pampas. Auguste Bravard and the Collection of Tertiary Fossil Mammals
Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Collecting Birds, Making Maps: Theodor von Heuglin’s Itineraries between Adua, Gotha and Vienna and the Economies of Collecting Data and Natural History Specimen
Sebastian Dorsch (Erfurt), Emilio Goeldi vs Henri Coudreau: Making World Politics by Collecting and Connecting Geographic Knowledge in Pará (Brasil), Gotha (Germany) and St. Gallen (Switzerland)
2:30 p.m.
Collections, Practices of Exchange and the Politics of Attention
Stefanie Gänger (Cologne), Rediscovering the Incas. Collecting Antiquities in the Southern Andes
Maria Margaret Lopes (Brasilia), Displaying the Fauna of Deep Time. Paleontological Collections in Brazil in the Beginning of the 20th Century
Serge Reubi (Paris), Of Guayaki Artefacts, a Dalmatic, and a La Tène Axe. François Machon, his Son, and the Musée d’Ethnographie de Neuchâtel, 1920-1940
5 p.m.
Guided Tour to Gotha Research Library
Friday, 15th February 2019
9:30 a.m.
A World of Knowledge and Sociabilities
Miruna Achim (Mexico City), Networking Latin American Antiquities: Humboldt and Enlightened Amateurs in New Spain
Bénédicte Percheron (Rouen), The Politics of Giving: Donors and the Natural History Museum in 19th Century Rouen
Nathalie Richard (Le Mans), Visiting the Miln Museum of Carnac: Archaeological Collections and Sociability in Rural France before 1914
11:30 a.m.
Final Discussion
Introductory Statement by Sybilla Nikolow (Berlin)