ISIG-FBK Summer School - Media and History

ISIG-FBK Summer School - Media and History

Italienisch-Deutsches Historisches Institut - Bruno Kessler Stiftung (FBK)
Via di Santa Croce 77, I-38122, Trento
Vom - Bis
19.06.2019 - 21.06.2019
Laura Di Fabio

The Italian-German Historical Institute (ISIG) is a research centre that promotes study in early modern and contemporary history, within the Bruno Kessler Foundation, a leading research institution. Further information on the Institute’s activity is available on the website ( The Italian-German Historical Institute (ISIG) is pleased to announce a Summer School on Media and history and to offer 15 study grants.

Academic programme

As part of the research project “Mediatisation and mediality of history” , the focus of the Institute since 2017 ( storia), the Summer School will investigate through lectures and seminars the role of media in the context of the socio-political and cultural transformations that have typified the early modern and contemporary era. The aim is to reconstruct the development of the media through the categories of mediality, intermediality and transnationality from an historical perspective.

Eligibility Requirements

Participation in the Study week is open to doctoral and post-doctoral (who submitted their theses after 1 January 2015) students of any nationality, who have ongoing research projects in the broad field of the history of media or on the relationship between media and history.
Applications must be submitted by February 28th, 2019 to the Secretariat of FBK-ISIG ( together with the following documentation:

- Curriculum Vitae
- Description of the research project (max 1000 characters).

Further information

The Institute offers 15 bursaries up to 200€. Presentations may be in Italian, German or English. In preparation for the Summer school, selected applicants will receive a reading list provided by the lecturers.
A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the Summer School.

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Isig Secretary ISIG-FBK
