White-collar crime in financial history

White-collar crime in financial history

Mikael Wenschlag, Uppsala University Thibaud Giddey, Uppsala University and University of Lausanne Sarah Wilson, University of York
Vom - Bis
12.09.2019 - 13.09.2019
Uppsala Centre for Business History

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers to present new research related to white-collar crime in a financial history context. Very little is known about how economic and financial crime has developed over centuries and decades. However, in the last decade new studies have shown that financial crime is far from a new phenomenon. The purpose of this workshop is to bring leading as well as early-career researchers together to “take stock” of the research related to the causes, consequences, and modus operandi of economic crimes and financial scandals, generally considered as “a crime committed for financial gain in organizational setting by deviant behaviour” (P. Gottschalk, Investigating White-Collar Crime, 2018).

With this call for papers, we encourage interested participants to join the workshop and present their research. We welcome papers that look at different forms of economic criminality (corporate fraud, corruption, embezzlement, misappropriation, tax fraud, intellectual property theft, Ponzi schemes, illegal cartels, collusion, etc.). Both the causes and consequences of the perpetration of the offences are of relevance in this workshop. What accounts for the apparent increase or decline of white-collar crime across space and time? How do the victims and the general public react to corrupt practices? What are the repercussions of exposing the criminal behaviour: does it lead to institutional change and countermeasures? We also welcome research focused on either the public perception of this delinquency, and/or the institutionalisation of the fight against it (by the state/justice authorities, self-regulatory or trade organisations, NGOs, etc.). As a transdisciplinary concept and field of inquiry, we also welcome papers from legal history, political science, economics, sociology, as long as developments across time are taken into account.

Please send an abstract proposal of no more than 500 words to Mikael.wendschlag@ekhist.uu.se

The deadline for submission is March 15, 2019. Participants will be notified by end of March. The conference will be held in English. Depending on the available funding, expenses for travel and accommodation could be covered.

Scientific committee:
Mikael Wenschlag, Uppsala University
Thibaud Giddey, Uppsala University and University of Lausanne
Sarah Wilson, University of York



Mikael Wendschlag
Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
Uppsala universitet
Box 513 751 20 Uppsala


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