Ukraine with its complex history, cultural diversity, post-Soviet political pluralism and situational bilingualism is a fascinating and promising field for interdisciplinary and transnational research. What are Ukrainian studies nowadays? How could they develop both locally and internationally? Which challenges and chances do they offer to the German university system? How could Ukrainian literature and history, as well as post-Maidan commemoration practices be conceptualized nowadays? What potential does Ukraine have for re-thinking the phenomenon of cultural, religious, and language heterogeneity in Europe?
Young researches (MA and PhD students, postdocs) dealing with Ukrainian topics are welcomed to apply for a travel and accommodation grant to attend our conference and participate in all of its activities. Please send your application (CV and a short essay “How Ukrainian Studies Could be Reconsidered Nowadays” in one pdf or doc file) to the email address until April 8, 2019.
Successful applicants will be awarded a travel grant (up to 200 Euro) and an accommodation at the student dormitory for two nights (16–18 May 2019). They are also expected to prepare short reports/blogs/essays about the conference to be published online.
Confirmation letters will be sent until April 15, 2019.