39th Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History: Circulations from Local to Global

39th Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History: Circulations from Local to Global

Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History
University of Algarve (Campus de Gambelas)
Vom - Bis
15.11.2019 - 16.11.2019
Graça Almeida Borges

Mobility is a key problem in Economic and Social History. Regardless of the period under analysis, people circulate, carrying with them commodities, capital, ideas, languages, traditions. They circulate to survive, to trade, to explore, to conquer, to migrate, and also for leisure. These constant circulations are at the origin of many interactions, impacts, conflicts, changes and resistances, as well as many social, economic, institutional and cultural transformations. In an increasingly interconnected world, these processes can be analyzed under several perspectives and in various scales, going from the local to the global. We invite scholars, from any nationality, who wish to contribute to this topic to submit their panel or paper proposals. Proposals on any other topic in Economic and Social History are also welcome.

Proposal Submission

Individual proposals must include: 4 keywords, abstract (max. 400 words) including the topic, objectives, theoretical approach and empirical foundation; and a brief biographical note (max. 200 words). Paper proposals must be submitted through this form: https://goo.gl/forms/dE1j3q1TPcervjLg2

Panel proposals must include three participants and the name and brief biographical note of the organizer (max. 200 words), as well as the title and abstract of the panel (max. 400 words). They must also include for each paper and each participant: 4 keywords, an abstract (max. 400 words) including the topic, objectives, theoretical approach and empirical foundation; and a brief biographical note (max. 200 words). Panel proposals must be submitted through this form: https://goo.gl/forms/CEn4DHXRnLVcxMFv2

In case the same author submits different individual proposals, only one will be accepted. The author of an accepted individual proposal can have another proposal accepted only in the situation where she/he is a co-author of the second proposal.

Participation in the 39th Meeting of APHES is reserved to members with their 2019’s membership fee up-to-date (30€ normal/15€ student). Accepted participants that are not members of APHES will have to become members and pay the 2019 membership fee. They may do so upon registration.


Deadline for proposals submission: 15 April 2019.
Communication of accepted proposals: 15 May 2019.

Scientific Committee

José Vicente Serrão (ISCTE-IUL) – Chair; Amélia Branco (University of Lisbon); Angelo Carrara (Federal University of Juiz de Fora); Cátia Antunes (Leiden University); Luís Miguel Duarte (University of Porto); Maria Fernanda Rollo (New University of Lisbon); Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (University of Coimbra); Renata Malcher de Araujo (University of Algarve)

Organizing Committee

Renata Malcher de Araujo (University of Algarve) – Chair; Graça Almeida Borges (CIDHEUS, University of Évora); Luís Filipe Oliveira (University of Algarve); Andreia Fidalgo (University of Algarve)


All participants must register by 14 October 2019 in order to have their paper included in the program.

To register, please fill the registration form and transfer the amount corresponding to your situation to the bank account indicated in the form. Send the form duly filled and the bank transfer confirmation to: aphes@geral.pt.

Early-bird fee (until 30 September 2019)
APHES members: 60€
Non-members: 60€ + 30€ (annual membership)
APHES student members: 30€
APHES student non-members: 30€ + 15€ (annual membership for students)

Late-bird fee (1-14 October 2019)
APHES members: 80€
Non-members: 80€ + 30€ (annual membership)
APHES student members: 40€
APHES student non-members: 40€ + 15€ (annual membership for students)

Grants for student participation

Grants that cover registration costs are available for students.
Applications should be sent to aphes2019@gmail.com until: 16 September 2019.
See the Regulation in: http://www.aphes.pt/images/RegBolsas.pdf.

APHES Award 2019

An award will be attributed to the best paper presented by a young researcher at the Meeting.
Full-text papers should be sent to aphes2019@gmail.com until: 1 October 2019.
See the Regulation in: https://www.aphes.pt/index.php/premio/premio-aphes/regulamento.



Email: aphes2019@gmail.com
