Circulation of Medical Knowledge and Skills, from Early Modern Times to Nowaday

Circulation of Medical Knowledge and Skills, from Early Modern Times to Nowaday

Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin in co-operation with Pomeranian Society for Cognitive Neuroscience and Department of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, Pomeranian Medical University
Vom - Bis
31.05.2019 - 01.06.2019
Fritz Dross

The question of transfer of knowledge and skills is constantly recurring at conferences of the German-Polish Society for the History of Medicine. The goal of the 2019 conference is to examine the circulation of medical knowledge and skills in a broader context. The period we want to discuss is from early modern times to nowadays. The space we want to focus on is, roughly, Europe (with works on German and Polish contributions to the circulation phenomenon remaining particularly welcome). We would love the 2019 conference to work as a meeting point for scholars who, while studying different aspects of the multifaceted phenomenon of medical knowledge/skill circulation, approach this subject from a variety of differing angles, and use various methods, tools and sources.

The conference fee is 50 EUR or 200 PLN.
For the participants preferring to pay in EUR, please use the following account:
Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft für die Geschichte der Medizin
Deutsche Bank PGK Berlin
IBAN DE60 1007 0024 0914 8594 00
with reference stating your name, and ‘Szczecin 2019 GPSHM Conference’

For Polish participants preferring to pay in PLN, please use the account below:
Pomorskie Towarzystwo Neurokognitywistyczne
BNP Paribas
35 2030 0045 1110 0000 0408 6570
with reference stating: your name, and ‘Konferencja PNTHM Szczecin 2019’

Two hotels located closest to the Conferences major venue have offered a discount for the Conference participants:
- Novotel Szczecin, al. 3 Maja 31 (310 PLN / night and breakfast);
- IBIS Szczecin, ul. Dworcowa 16 (230 PLN / night with breakfast).
The offer is valid through April 19.
To use the discount, please send your booking order to with ‘PUM – CONFERENCE 2019” in subject.

On 31th May, the conference will be held at the Pomeranian Medical University Rectorate, ul. Rybacka 1.
On 1st June, the conference will be held at the “Przełomy” Center for Dialogue, pl. Solidarności 1.


Friday, May 31, the PMU Rectorate, Rybacka 1
8.30-9.00: Opening of the Conference
9.00-10.00 Opening Lecture
Prof. Maria Giżewska, MD, PhD, The Szczecin-Greifswald cooperation in the trans-border program for broad-band neonatal screening for treatable congenital metabolic errors
10.30-12.00 Session No. 1: circulation of medical knowledge: philosophical, ethical and methodological aspects
1. F. Söhner (Düsseldorf, Germany), The Requirements of Research Ethics, and the Standards for the Archiving of Eyewitness Documents
2. J. Czekajewska (Poznań, Poland), Moral Criteria for the Definition of Human Death in Selected World’s Religions, and the Conscience Clause

12.30-14.30 Session No. 2: 19th and 20th centuries, Eastern Europe
3. A. Magowska (Poznań, Poland), Copyrights and Circulation of Knowledge within Natural Sciences in the Nineteenth-Century Central Europe. Cases of Bojanus and Adamowski, Andrzejewski and Besser
4. A. Žalnoras (Vilnius, Lithuania), Medical (Hygiene) Education at the Stephen Bathory University of Vilnius, 1919-1939
5. A. K. Peters (Neubrandenburg, Germany), The German Midwives Association's campaign of conquest of Lebensraum in the East

15.30-17.30 Session No. 3: circulation of medical knowledge and skills, early modern period, part I
6. J. Węglorz (Wrocław, Poland), Gathering and Verification of Medical Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
7. H. Jadrná Matějková (Olomouc, Czech Republic), Circulation and Sharing of Medical Knowledge and Skills in Early Modern Obstetric Manuals by Female and Male Authors from the German Speaking Regions
8. J. Nieznanowska (Szczecin, Poland), Obstacles in Circulation: Stettin’s Attempts at Participation in the Swedish Crown’s System of Academic Medical Education, 1647-1713

18.00-19.00 Assembly of the German-Polish Society for the History of Medicine

Saturday, June 1st, the “Przełomy” Center for Dialogue, Plac Solidarności 1
10.00-12.00 Session No. 4: circulation of medical knowledge and skills, early modern period, part II
9. A. Mariani (Poznań, Poland), The Contribution of Jesuit Pharmacies to the Spread of Medical Knowledge in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
10. B. Siek (Gdańsk, Poland), Works and Authors Highly Cited in Medical Texts from Early Modern Gdańsk
11. K. Pękacka-Falkowska (Poznań, Poland), Seeking out the Best Teachers. ‘Peregrinatio medica’ of Royal Prussian Students in the late Seventeenth Century (Ernst Gottfried Heyse)
12.00-12.15 Closing of the scientific part of the conference
13.00-14.00(ish) “Przełomy” Center for Dialogue Guided Tour


Joanna Nieznanowska

Pomeranian Medical University