30 Years since 1989: Legacies of Post-Socialism. Call for Posters

30 Years since 1989: Legacies of Post-Socialism. Call for Posters

Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS)
ZOiS, Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin
From - Until
23.04.2019 -
Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS)

We are looking for PhD and MA students who would like to present their current research on Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, and the Former Soviet Union as part of the ZOiS Conference Poster Session. The call is open to all disciplines. Please note that the focus is NOT on the socialist-era legacies but on the dynamics since 1989/1991.


- Applicants must be working on their Master thesis or a PhD project in Germany
- The poster topic should be connected to the conference’s theme “30 Years since 1989: Legacies of Post-Socialism” (this could mean that you present only a part of your project or look at your research topic from a slightly different angle)
- Poster topics might include but are not limited to: the post-1989/1991 period in the political and cultural discourse, transition and identity, social and economic legacies of the transition period, demographic and generational change, migration processes, and comparative perspectives on the post-1989/1991 period
- Candidates must provide a short summary of the poster content (max. 300 words)
- Deadline for poster proposals is May 13, 2019 (events@zois-berlin.de)
- Your A1-format (upright) research poster should summarize your project in English and provide a basis for the discussion. To learn more about designing research posters consult https://guides.nyu.edu/posters

30 Years since 1989: Legacies of Post-Socialism (ZOiS Conference 2019, 14 June 2019)

Legacies from the socialist era have shaped post-1989 societies in Eastern Europe. What exactly qualifies as socialist legacies and what their causal significance has been remains an issue of academic and public debate. The 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is a good moment to move these discussions forward. How can we think more systematically about the last three decades of political, economic and social change across Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union? Thirty years are a time span that can be conceptualised as a set of legacies, too. What types of trajectories have emerged, and how have the choices and experiences of the early post-1989 or post-1991 period shaped subsequent developments? The ZOiS Conference 2019 will explore these legacies of post-socialism, with a particular focus on the role of youth and generational change, liberal values and conceptions of Europe, and city architecture and everyday life in urban settings. Additionally, a panel discussion will concentrate on conceptual issues arising from the experiences of Eastern Europe over the last thirty years, including the terminology “post-socialism“, “post-communism“, and “Global East”. As in previous years, each panel and interactive discussion at the ZOiS Conference will bring together perspectives from different academic disciplines. The ZOiS Conference will culminate in a Keynote Lecture by Ivan Krastev from the Centre of Liberal Strategies, Sofia.


Contact (announcement)

Stephanie Alberding
Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS), Mohrenstraße 60, 10117 Berlin


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