German Heritage in Eastern Europe. Comparing Narratives, Finding New Perspectives

German Heritage in Eastern Europe. Comparing Narratives, Finding New Perspectives

Kompetenzzentrum Denkmalwissenschaften und Denkmaltechnologien, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg; Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, Estonian Academy of Arts
Tallin und Ravila
Vom - Bis
05.08.2019 - 09.08.2019
Stephanie Herold

Interdisciplinary Summer School: German Heritage in Eastern Europe. Comparing Narratives, Finding New Perspectives

Which kind of narratives have resulted from the processes of appropriation, neglect and valorisation over the past centuries? Who has been involved in creating these narratives and what has been their agenda? Does the ethnical or geographical perspective on local history and heritage provide a solid way of overcoming national (heritage) narratives?
The interdisciplinary summer school (fundet by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media and the Böckler-Mare-Balticum-Stiftung) wants to approach these questions in a historical perspective with a focus (but not limited to) the Baltic German heritage of art and architecture in what is today Estonia. The aim to bring different perspectives on heritage and history together, by inviting young researchers in humanities as well as professional experts and practitioners (conservationists, architects) and local stakeholders (e.g. monument-owners) to talk about their different perspectives on (German) heritage and exchange ideas on narrative construction and identity in art history and heritage studies. By doing this we want to question some of the existing narratives and possibly establish more multi-perspective ones.

Keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper (TU Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Hackmann (University of Szczecin)
Prof. Dr. Krista Kodres (Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn University)

Fees and application:
The international summer school is addressed to early career researchers, PhD students, or Master students shortly before their graduation, from the fields of art history, historic preservation, history, cultural anthropology and neighboring disciplines. The working language of summer school is English.
There is no tuition fee. Overnight stays and meals in Ravila are covered by the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM). Travel grants (arrival and departure to and from Tallinn) in the amount up to 200 eur will be awarded to participants upon completion of the summer school. A bus transfer to Ravila Manor will be organized.
Applications including a short sketch of one’s research topic (max 350 words) and a CV should be sent to both and until the 31st May 2019. Selection and feedback will be made within two weeks.

For further information see:

For questions please contact or



Stephanie Herold
Kompetenzzentrum Denkmalwissenschaften und Denkmaltechnologien
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

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