Special issue - Cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of knowledge-making in the early modern world (1450–1800)

Special issue - Cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of knowledge-making in the early modern world (1450–1800)

Marina Bezzi (University College London), Joseph da Costa (King's College London)
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
13.05.2019 -
Bezzi, Marina

Following the successful student-led conference held in October 2017 in London under the sponsorship of the London Arts and Humanities Partnership, we seek unpublished and original papers on the theme of cross-disciplinarity and forms of knowledge-making in the early modern world. The papers will compose a special issue to be pitched to leading journals of early modern studies in English, particularly in the fields of history of science and intellectual history, at the end of 2019.

We invite papers from PhD candidates in the final stage of their degree and early career researchers (within 5 years of doctoral award by the time of submission). The papers should fit into the broad geographical scope of forms of knowledge-making around the world between 1450 and 1800. In continuity with the premise of the conference, our main goal is to promote cross-disciplinarity as a methodology and a global perspective both in the scope of the subject of the papers and the academic context of the papers’ authors.

This special issue aims at understanding how cross-disciplinarity is used in current early modern studies and the fresh perspectives it can bring to disciplines long closed-off within an internationally unequal academic system; highlighting results of cross-disciplinary research conducted by PhD candidates and early career researchers; amplifying such research within the established Anglophone academic journal universe; putting forward the similarities and differences between the various contemporary intellectual frameworks of the authors’ research; and furthering debates on the importance of cross-disciplinary research of the early modern world.

We particularly encourage papers that highlight flows of knowledge involving objects, peoples, techniques, and ideas in the period, including but not limited to the themes of visual and spatial studies; languages; ethnography; material culture; gender; race and racism; religion; colonialism and empire-making; political, juridical, and economic thought and practices.

15/06/19 - Expanded abstract (1,000 words)
30/06/19 - Announcement of selected proposals and pitch of special issue to relevant journals
01/09/19 - Full draft of the paper (10,000–12,000 words)

How to submit your article proposal:
Abstracts and full articles should be written in English and sent with a working title and 5 keywords to earlymodernknowledgemaking@gmail.com.
Please include the author’s short biography and a full CV.

Please note this is a call for papers for a further proposal of a special issue to leading journals of early modern studies, particularly in the field of history of science and intellectual history. Therefore, timescales could be substantial owing to the availability and appointments of these institutions.

Dr Marina Bezzi and Joseph da Costa (King’s College London)




Twitter: @knowledgemaking


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