Gender and Ethnonationalism. A New Era of Reproductive Choices and Constraints?

Gender and Ethnonationalism. A New Era of Reproductive Choices and Constraints?

Isabel Heinemann, Mrinal Pande, University of Münster; Alexandra Minna Stern, University of Michigan
University of Münster, Cluster of Excellence, Johannisstraße 1, JO 102, 48143 Münster
Vom - Bis
27.06.2019 - 29.06.2019
Brüntrup, Marcel

Although in many “Western” and Central European States ultra-nationalist movements seem to be on the rise, there is limited historical research on their ideological and cultural appeal. Initial explorations suggest that their reliance on conceptions of traditional family, “homelands” and “human biodiversity” are key. To better understand the implications of “ethno-nationalist” movements across Europe and the US, our international and interdisciplinary workshop focuses on gender norms, women’s roles and concepts of reproductive decision-making espoused by these movements on their websites, in their media ventures, and in their publications. We will explore the objectification of women in these otherwise predominantly male organizations, examine the complexities of women’s agency, and discuss the effects of rising ethnonationalism on gender policies at large.

By combining our experience in investigating “cultures of decision-making” with the insights of our international and interdisciplinary collaborative partners, we hope to shed new light on one of the most disturbing international phenomena of the present day. Specifically, we hope to clarify how the re-branding of nationalism might be changing gender politics all over Europe and the US. Also, we strive to find out whether alt-right nationalism helps to put forward discursive and factual strains that might challenge and ultimately change the arrangements of reproductive decision-making (knowledge, family planning and contraception, legal abortion, women’s agency) still prevalent in most liberal modern societies.


Thursday, June 27, 2019

17:30 Welcome

18:00 Keynote: Alexandra Minna Stern, University of Michigan: Gender and Ethnonationalism across the Atlantic: From the Alt-right to Identitarianism

JO 01
Dinner: Restaurant A2

Friday, June 28, 2019

09:00 – 10:30 Panel 1: Antisemitism and Homophobia: Exclusionary Practices of Ethnonationalist Movements

Agnieszka Graff, University of Warsaw: Jewish Perversion as Strategy of Domination: A Preliminary Look at the Anti-Semitic Component of Anti-Gender Discourse.

Kristoff Kerl, University of Cologne: The Conspiracy of ‘Homosexualization‘. Antisemitism and Homosexuality in the U.S. from the late 1960s until the 1990s.

Comment: Isabel Heinemann, Münster

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30 Panel 2: Reproducing the Right Race: Biologist Rhetoric of Ethnonationalist Movements

Simon Strick, John F. Kennedy Center, Freie Universität Berlin: Self-Help Racism: Interrogating the Concept of ‘Race Realism’ in Alt-Right Discourse

Isabel Heinemann, University of Münster: The Logic of Volk and Family: National Socialist Legacies and Women’s Place in the Rhetoric of the Alternative for Germany

Comment: Alexandra M. Stern, University of Michigan

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch: ESG Student Union 

14:00 – 15.30 Panel 3: Staging the ‘Right’ Women or ‘Handmaidens of Patriarchy’: Women as Actors in Ultra-Nationalist Movements

Judith Goetz, University of Vienna: ‘Patriotism is not just a man's thing’ - Right-wing extremist gender policies within the so-called 'Identitarian Movement'

Aleksandra Sygnowska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw: Female intermediaries in the politics of oppression

Comment: Heike Kahlert, Bochum

15:30 – 16.00 Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:30 Panel 4: Ethnonationalism and its Challenges for Reproductive Justice

Kristen Cheney, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague: Gay Israeli Dads and International Surrogacy: Pinkwashing surrogacy practices in the name of ethnonationalism?

Jallicia A. Jolly, University of Michigan: Caribbean Women’s Health Movement & Resistance in the Era of Ethnocentrism

Comment: Claudia Roesch, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C.

19:00 Dinner: Caputos

Saturday, June 29, 2019

09:00 – 10:30 Panel 5: Memes and Media Strategies of Ethnonationalist Movements

Jasmine Ehrhardt, University of Michigan: ‘France will not be France for long’: Paranoid Reading and Recruitment to the Alt-Right

Mrinal Pande, University of Münster: A gendered analysis of Hindutva imaginaries: Manipulation of symbols for ethnonationalist projects

Comment: Johannes von Moltke, University of Michigan / FRIAS Freiburg i. Br.

10:30 – 11.00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12.30 Concluding debate

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch: Royals and Rice


Prof. Dr. Isabel Heinemann
Juniorprofessur für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Rosenstraße 9, D-48143 Münster
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