Changing Interpretations, Meanings and Concepts of Heritage

Changing Interpretations, Meanings and Concepts of Heritage

ICOM Deutschland & Dänemark und Dänisches Kulturministerium in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg
Museum der Arbeit
Vom - Bis
18.03.2020 -
ICOM Deutschland

Denmark and Germany have a shared history in the Danish-German borderland, but the interpretation of heritage has changed with the changing borderline. As the borderline was transformed, the meanings of art and culture developed with it while new and emerging regimes made significant efforts to make ensure that, for example, monuments or works of art represent the rulings views.
2020 marks 100 years since the establishment of the present borderline between Denmark and Germany. The Danish and German Governments have signed a mutual agreement on a Year of Cultural Friendship between Denmark and Germany in 2020. This Year of Cultural Friendship celebrates the peaceful relations between the two countries today by focusing on cultural exchange while at the same time highlighting their historical and common European roots. ICOM Germany, ICOM Denmark and the Danish Ministry for Culture mark, in collaboration with the Museum der Arbeit, the Year of Cultural Friendship 2020 with a conference on the Changing Interpretations, Meanings and Concepts of Heritage.
This conference explores how new and different interpretations of heritage have emerged and developed in a globalised world. It aims to present and discuss examples and approaches of changing interpretations and meanings of heritage and the challenges and controversies these entail. Topics could include for example:

- Changing interpretations of art and culture caused by political change or globalization. Different interpretations of heritage might coexist because different countries or segments of society interpret them differently or even contradictingly.
- Old and new interpretations of art and culture from a post-colonial and/or feminist perspective.
- Curatorial challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives on curating.
- Views of who can communicate knowledge of art and culture as a consequence of existing and emerging roles of museums in society and a changing view on what knowledge is.
- New perceptions and new ways of knowledge transfer, dealing with tangible and intangible heritage.
- Museum collections and cultural knowledge production through participation.

Museum der Arbeit in Hamburg was chosen as the venue for the conference because of its focus on the multi-facetted meaning of work past and present. The Museum also has excellent accessibility by train/subway and is close to Hamburg Airport.
Participants from all countries are welcome. The conference language is English.

Papers must be in English and contain the following information:
1. Author(s)
2. Organization(s)
3. Email Address(es)
4. Short biography of the author(s)
5. Title of abstract
6. Body of abstract (max. 400 words) incl. key questions the presentation addresses
7. 3 – 5 keywords

The regular presentation time at the conference is 15–20 minutes, followed by questions and discussion.

Please submit your paper by 1 October 2019 on
The papers will be selected and the authors will be notified by 15 November 2019.


Draft program

Wednesday 18th

Registration and opening reception at Museum der Arbeit. Guided tour at the museum.

Thursday 19th

8.30–9.00 Welcome speakers
9.00–10.00 Keynote(s)
10.00–10.30 Coffee break
10.30–12.00 Presentations/papers
12.00–13.00 Lunch
13.00–15.00 Workshops
15.00–17.00 Presentations/papers
17.00–19.00 Excursion in Hamburg
19.00–21.00 Reception and networking at Altonaer Museum

Friday 20th

9.00-10.00 Keynote(s)
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.00 Presentations/papers
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-17.00 Excursions in Hamburg and to Glückstadt


K.B. Staubermann

In der Halde 1, 14195 Berlin