Europe and the International Regulation of Labour Migration

Europe and the International Regulation of Labour Migration

Culture, Practice & Europeanisation
Vom - Bis
15.12.2019 -
Daniel Maul

International labour migration is a key issue of our times and a truly global one at that, which connects European countries among themselves as much as with other parts of the world. The discussions on the Global Compact on Migration, adopted in December 2018, put yet another spotlight on the ten-sions, contradictions and widely diverging interests that mark the European debate despite broad agreement on the goal of “safe, orderly and regular migration” for the benefit of all, (GCM 2018).
From a historical perspective, neither labour migration, nor attempts to regulate it internationally are new phenomena. Starting from bilateral agreements that mutually guaranteed the rights of migrant workers in Europe during the late 19th century, they became the concern of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) already during the 1920s. While repeated attempts to establish a single interna-tional institution to deal with migration across national borders failed, a complex governance structure has emerged in which the International Organisation of Migration (IOM), the ILO, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), along with regional actors such as the European Union all take partial stake in regulating specific issues to do with international labour migration.
This special issue aims to connect various fields of research on the regulation of international labour migration from a European point of view. It aims to bring into dialogue a broader historical perspective on this policy field with contributions that tackle ongoing debates, practices and experiences in the field and to open the view on a policy fields in which international organizations and national govern-ments interact with trade unions, business interests, NGOs and other civil society actors.
CPE: An international, double-blind peer reviewed journal
Culture, Practice & Europeanization (CPE) is an international, peer reviewed platform for publishing research-based articles predominantly dealing with research into the multiplicity of social processes, interactions, and policies relating to Europeanization and both international and intercultural en-counters in Europe. CPE is an interdisciplinary journal with strong roots in sociology. CPE welcomes contributions that seek to enhance our understanding of social processes relating to internationaliza-tion, internationally relevant practices, and further transnational activities and processes in Europe.
Submission and timeframe
Authors may submit structured abstracts of up to 250 words until 15 December 2019. Empirical, theoretical and conceptual submissions of significant originality will be considered for publication. All methodological approaches are welcomed. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be asked to submit a full draft of their paper until 30 April 2020 which will then be subjected to peer review. Publication is planned for the fall of 2020. CPE publishes in English. Please submit your abstract to Daniel Maul (



Daniel Maul

Universitet i Oslo, Blindern 0351, Oslo, Norwegen

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