On postmodern age. Appearances of a contemporary phenomenon in design, fashion, architecture, film, and art

On postmodern age. Appearances of a contemporary phenomenon in design, fashion, architecture, film, and art

Art Style. Art & Culture International Magazine
New York / Sao Paulo
United States
Vom - Bis
07.01.2020 -
Sauer, Martina

Call for Essays

Art Style. Art & Culture International Magazine, an online quarterly magazine devoted to art and culture, invites the submission of extended essays
#issue_6 Deadline: May 4, 2020

Special issue on postmodern age. Appearances of a contemporary phenomenon in design, fashion, architecture, film, and art.

Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrillard, Jean-François Lyotard, and Jacques Derrida, as well as Susan Sontag, Judith Butler, and many other authors, have analyzed our culture and society and its phenomena in a new way. Therefore, they have introduced a concept of postmodernism that shakes the foundations of our understanding of society and ourselves. But almost nobody –except research– knows about its meaning. So this special issue aims to present their basic ideas and discuss the phenomena, not of verbal articulations, but of non-verbal images. In this way, we are asking for contributions of extended essays on art, media, and culture regarding a postmodern perspective. The following questions are intended to facilitate access to the task and its possible focus:

- Which concepts discussed by postmodern philosophers can be identified in artistic media? Are there differences between the media concerning the same concept? Please give one or more examples.
- What role do the artistic media play in preserving or deconstructing the "myths of everyday life" (Barthes)?
- What methods are used to address the recipient effectively? In this context, can organizational forms be distinguished that aim at an unconscious or conscious address?
- Are there differences between the self-understanding of the individual artistic media and, thus, the position they grant to the recipient? Are there any differences at all?
- What is the relationship between the behavioral and action-relevant aspects of postmodernism and traditions in a philosophy that proposes epistemological and pleasurable approaches?

The main task of the special issue of the Art Style Magazine is, therefore, to discuss and clarify the conditions of postmodernism and its functional and effective modalities, as well as its individual and social consequences, either individually or comparatively, using examples from various artistic media. We seek contributions that take up the challenge of demonstrating the postmodern understanding of images of artistic media and their respective individual and normative effects, as well as their possible immersive and deconstructive operations.

The extended essay should be submitted to editorial@artstyle.international
Detailed author guidelines are available here: https://artstyle.international/submission/


Art Style. Art & Culture International Magazine is an online, quarterly magazine that aims to bundle cultural diversity. All values of cultures are shown in their varieties of art. Beyond the importance of the medium, form, and context in which art takes its characteristics, we also consider the significance of socio-cultural and market influence. Thus, there are different forms of visual expression and perception through the media and environment. The images relate to the cultural changes and their time-space significance—the spirit of the time. Hence, it is not only about the image itself and its description but rather its effects on culture, in which reciprocity is involved. For example, a variety of visual narratives—like movies, TV shows, videos, performances, media, digital arts, visual technologies and video game as part of the video’s story, communications design, and also, drawing, painting, photography, dance, theater, literature, sculpture, architecture and design—are discussed in their visual significance as well as in synchronization with music in daily interactions. Moreover, this magazine handles images and sounds concerning the meaning in culture due to the influence of ideologies, trends, or functions for informational purposes as forms of communication beyond the significance of art and its issues related to the socio-cultural and political context. However, the significance of art and all kinds of aesthetic experiences represent a transformation for our nature as human beings.

In general, questions concerning the meaning of art are frequently linked to the process of perception and imagination. This process can be understood as an aesthetic experience in art, media, and fields such as motion pictures, music, and many other creative works and events that contribute to one’s knowledge, opinions, or skills. Accordingly, examining the digital technologies, motion picture, sound recording, broadcasting industries, and its social impact, Art Style Magazine focuses on the myriad meanings of art to become aware of their effects on culture as well as their communication dynamics.


The extended essay should be submitted to editorial@artstyle.international
Detailed author guidelines are available here: https://artstyle.international/submission/
