Origines et Mutationes 7. Education in History

Origines et Mutationes 7. Education in History

University of Gdańsk
Vom - Bis
21.05.2020 - 22.05.2020
Girsztowt, Aleksandra

The 7th edition of the Origines et Mutationes conference is part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdańsk. In connection with this anniversary, the theme of our meeting will be Education in history.
Education was and still is one of the most important elements of social life, affecting many phenomena. Until recently, it has become more egalitarian for selected groups (due to wealth, sex, place of residence). We cannot enclose the subject of education only within the walls of a traditional school or university, but we also mean vocational training, upbringing and discussion on education, both in theoretical, philosophical, but also very practical terms, including the question of the influence of state or urban authorities for education. Therefore, we would like this edition of the conference to become an opportunity to discuss the broadly understood issue of education in history. Suggested topics: organization of education, process and organization of education (both general education at all levels and vocational training), students and teachers, university education, academic peregrinations, student and academic life. We are also counting on other suggestions for topics that fit into the assumptions of our meeting.
The conference will be held on May 21-22, 2020 in Faktoria in Pruszcz Gdański. The conference fee is PLN 200 and includes lunch, a banquet on the first day of the meeting, conference materials and part of the cost of subsequent publication. The organizers do not guarantee accommodation.
We are waiting for applications until February 29, 2020. Please send your abstract (1000 characters) and contact details to baltic.conf@gmail.com
The conference is organized by the Departments of History and Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk and the Pruszcz Gdański.
organizers: Aleksandra Girsztowt (IH UG), Piotr Kitowski (WPiA UG)
supervisor: Rafał Kubicki (IH UG)



dr Aleksandra Girsztowt
University of Gdańsk
