Special Issue World History Connected: Southeast Asia in World History

Special Issue World History Connected: Southeast Asia in World History

Marc Jason GIlbert, Hawaii Pacific University
United States
Vom - Bis
15.10.2020 -
Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists

World History Connected, a 14-year-old affiliate of the World History Association published by the University of Illinois Press, is seeking papers for a special issue devoted to research and the scholarship of teaching on Southeast Asian topics germane to the interdisciplinary field of world history, embracing, but limited to, trans-regional, comparative, gender, and global studies. Submissions should be received by June 3, 2020 for possible publication in the October issue of 2020. Submissions from presenters of papers at past conferences and seminars on this subject in Cambodia and Vietnam under the auspices of the World History Association are welcome as are papers from any interested party. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Editor at mgilbert@hpu.edu. Correspondence relating to books to be reviewed and those interested in reviewing books for this issue, should contact cskwiot@mma.edu. Due to cost, books for review cannot be supplied to reviewers outside the United States. World History Connected reserves the right to decline to publish any submission.

All submissions must follow the style sheet at the journal's webpage https://worldhistoryconnected.press.uillinois.edu/ and conveyed with the subject line "WHC Submission and the author (s) last name." Submissions should be prepared double spaced, with one-inch margins and subheads at the left-hand margins, with endnotes, and a short biography (250 words) such as that appears on all published WHC articles. Submission e-mails must include a mailing address, and phone number with, if possible, identification as a Whatsapp number. Length of submitted articles should be more than 3,000 words, with upper limitation as is appropriate (usually 10,000 words).

For those unfamiliar with World History Connected (ISSN 1931-8642), it an e-journal publication of the University of Illinois Press, which currently reaches 1.85 million "readers" annually (scholars who read more than two articles) and attracts 6 million visits to its website. It is published 3 times a year (February, June, and October). Recent issues of the journal have explored the Atlantic in World History and Film in World History. Projected issues will include topics such as the Classical World (deadline March 15, 2020) Southeast Asia in World History (deadline June 3, 2020), Latin America (August 1, 2020), with issues addressing the Indian Ocean, active learning (games, simulations) and authoritarianism in global and historical perspective as yet to be determined. Scheduling is an art rather than a science, so those wishing to submit articles for consideration on these subjects or any subject should express that interest as soon as possible. The journal welcomes submission of ideas and Guest editors who might wish to curate an issue with a “Forum” or group of articles on a topic of interest to the field. “Forum” guest editors have included Presidents of the American Historical Association and the World History Association, such as Patrick Manning and Laura Mitchell. The journal welcomes any who seek to author an individual article or bring together articles pursing innovative approaches to this interdisciplinary field.



Marc Jason Gilbert
Hawaii Pacific University
E-Mail: mgilbert@hpu.edu

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