Faith, Medicine and Religion (EAHMH Biennial Conference, 7-10 September 2021)

Faith, Medicine and Religion (EAHMH Biennial Conference)

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health in collaboration with KU Leuven
Vom - Bis
07.09.2021 - 10.09.2021
Joris Vandendriessche, KU Leuven

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health will organize its biennial meeting in an online format in cooperation with the Research Group Cultural History since 1750 at KU Leuven. Between September 7 and 10, scholars working in different fields will explore and discuss the theme of ‘Faith, Medicine and Religion’ in a historical perspective.

Faith, Medicine and Religion (EAHMH Biennial Conference)

Faith and religion are part and parcel of the field of medicine and of healing practices. For in times of illness, we are in need of faith. We might express our faith in those who aim to heal us as we recognize and trust their ability to do so. In some settings, both today and in the past, such faith takes on explicit spiritual and religious meanings. It is performed through rituals and shaped by belief systems, shared (or not) between patients, doctors and other caregivers. In other settings, it is the belief in science or other concepts of medicine that drives patients’, caregivers’ and scientists’ search for cures and well-being. Moreover, outside the biomedical domain, hope for improvement drives the search for alternative modes of healing and self-healing, practices often strongly imbued with faith, rituals and conversion narratives. The 2021 EAHMH conference places these questions of trust, belief, religion, hope and devotion centre stage in the history of medicine and health.

We welcome proposals for individual submissions, panels, roundtables, and suggestions for other types of short presentations to be submitted by 30 January 2021. More information may be found on the conference website:

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