Spuren – Die Opfer des NSU (Traces – The NSU Victims)

Spuren – Die Opfer des NSU (Traces – The NSU Victims)

University of Birmingham
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
07.12.2020 - 07.12.2020
Franziska Wolf, University of Birmingham

In collaboration with Dr Katharina Karcher, the research project 'Urban Terrorism in Europe (2004-19): Remembering, Imagining, and Anticipating Violence', and the Institute for German and European Studies (IGES) at the University of Birmingham, the Graduate Centre for Europe (GCfE) is screening: Aysun Bademsoy's documentary 'Spuren – Die Opfer des NSU' (Traces – The NSU victims), followed by a Q & A with the director on Monday, 7th of December, 6:30pm-7:30pm (GMT).

Spuren – Die Opfer des NSU (Traces – The NSU Victims)


Between April 2000 and April 2007, eight men with Turkish roots, one man with a Greek background, and one German policewoman were brutally murdered in broad daylight at their workplaces in cities across Germany with the same weapon. In all but one case, police investigations focused on the victims’ suspected links to ‘foreign’ criminal networks. For years, their grieving families were treated like suspects. In 2011, it became known that the right-wing terror group ‘National Socialist Underground (NSU)’ was responsible for the murders. After the suicide of the two main perpetrators, Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt, their partner in crime Beate Zschäpe and four helpers of the group stood trial in Munich in 2013. The trial ended in 2018 with mild sentences for most defendants and without providing critical insights into the local and national Nazi networks that had enabled the NSU murders. As a recent string of scandals over far-right networks in the German military and police and the Hanau terror attack in February 2020 show, these Nazi networks and their ideas continue to pose a major threat. Aysun Bademsoy’s film provides an empathic portrait of the NSU victims and gives their families an opportunity to share their stories and political demands, which are now more important than ever.


You can register for the event here:

By registering you will gain access to the film, which you will be able to watch prior to the Q & A with Aysun Bademsoy. The aim of this virtual film screening and Q & A is to make an important film accessible to an international audience and to offer viewers the unique opportunity to discuss it with the director. Due to Copyright reasons the film will be available online for two days only (6 and 7 December). On 6 December, you will receive an email from us with a personal link that enables you to watch the film free of charge on the film platform Vimeo. You will also receive a link to the live Q & A session with Aysun Bademsoy on 7 December.

More information about the event and a short introduction to the film by Katharina Karcher can be found here:



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