Writing Women’s Intellectual History in East Central Europe

Writing Women’s Intellectual History in East Central Europe

Intellectual History in East Central Europe Research Network
Vom - Bis
18.02.2021 -
Isidora Grubački, Central European University

The Intellectual History in East Central Europe Research Network (https://intellectualhistoryece.wordpress.com) invites you to join an online roundtable discussion “Writing women’s intellectual history in East Central Europe” on February 18, 2021. The roundtable discussion will be open to the public, and it will be followed by a reading seminar for a selected number of applicants. We are happy to invite you to apply for the reading seminar, and/or register for the roundtable discussion.

Writing Women’s Intellectual History in East Central Europe

The Intellectual History in East Central Europe Research Network invites you to join a roundtable discussion “Writing women’s intellectual history in East Central Europe”. The discussion will be based on a selected bibliography. The articles and chapters included in the bibliography raise the issue of the lack of women’s intellectual history in general, critically assess our conceptions of originality, creativity, and value, and ask what kind of Europe emerges when gender and history meet. Furthermore, the selected readings are beautiful examples of writing women’s intellectual history and the intellectual history of feminism in ECE more broadly. These texts also serve as discussion starters about the opportunities and challenges, difficulties and limits, as well as the relevance of writing women’s intellectual in East Central Europe.

The roundtable discussion will be open to the public, and it will be followed by a reading seminar (based on a selection of pre-circulated texts) for a selected number of applicants. To register for the roundtable discussion, and receive the zoom link, please fill out the form on this link: https://intellectualhistoryece.wordpress.com/168-2/


Lucy Delap (University of Cambridge)

Ana Kolarić (University of Belgrade)

Michal Kopeček (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Contemporary History)

Balázs Trencsényi (Central European University)


Zsófia Lóránd (University of Cambridge)

Isidora Grubački (Central European University)


February 18, 13h UCT / 14h CET
Open to the public

Reading session:
February 18, 15h UCT / 16h CET
For accepted participants only

To apply for the seminar discussion, please write a brief letter of motivation (200-300 words) by January 31, about why you wish to join and how you would contribute to the seminar, and/or how the seminar would contribute to your work. After registering, we will send you the literature to prepare. The applications should be sent to: Isidora Grubački Grubacki Isidora@phd.ceu.edu and Zsófia Lóránd zl447@cam.ac.uk. For the sake of a vivid group discussion where every participant has a chance to speak, the number of participants will be limited.

The event will be the first in the series of online events organized by the Intellectual History in East Central Europe Research Network in 2021.


Isidora Grubački Grubacki_Isidora@phd.ceu.edu
Zsófia Lóránd zl447@cam.ac.uk

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