Prof. Dr. Birgit Emich, DFG-Kollegforschungsgruppe Polyzentrik und Pluralität Vormoderner Christentümer, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
20 April
Eugenio Menegon (Boston) on Local Religion in China
27 April
Birgit Emich (Frankfurt) on Uniformity and the Early Modern Papacy
4 May
Christian Windler (Bern) on Polycentricity in Global Catholicism
11 May
Simon Ditchfield (York) on Appropriation in Tridentine Catholicism
18 May
Jean-Pascal Gay (Louvain) on Publicity in French Catholicism
1 June
John-Paul Ghobrial (Oxford) on Connected Histories in Eastern Christianities
8 June
Judith Pollman (Leiden) on Identity in the two Netherlands after the Revolt
15 June
Stuart Schwartz (Yale) on Tolerance in the Iberian Atlantic
22 June
Ines Županov (Paris) on Accommodation in Indian Christianities [this talk will be given at 10 am CET/14.30 IST]
29 June
Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge) on Generation on the British Isles