Manufacturing Collectivity. Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivities, and Law

Manufacturing Collectivity. Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivities, and Law

DFG Forschungsgruppe Recht Geschlecht Kollektivität
Vom - Bis
02.06.2021 - 04.06.2021
Veronika Springmann, Didaktik der Geschichte, Freie Universität Berlin

In the beginning of this june, the DFG-funded research group “Law – Gender – Collectivity. Processes of standardization, categorization and generating solidarity” is inviting you to an interdisciplinary conference.

Manufacturing Collectivity. Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivities, and Law

Against the backdrop of law playing a pivotal role in current political conflicts of belonging and participation the conference will focus on the relationship between law, gender, and collectivity.


Wednesday, June 2nd
9.00-13.30 Uhr pre-conference PhD-Workshop:
»Exploring Collectivity. Interdisciplinary Methodologies«

14.30 Welcome and Introduction
Beate Binder (Berlin) and Susanne Baer (Berlin)

15.00-16.00 Keynote speech
Emily Grabham (Unversity of Kent)
The Crafty Power of Text: A Feminist Ethnography of legislative Drafting

19.00 - 20.00 Art & Performance
Music Live-Performance by 3Women

19.00 - 21.00 Uhr Socializing @ Wonder

Thursday, June 3rd

11.00-16.30 Socializing @ Wonder

12.00-14.00 Panel I: Law – Gender – Knowledge: Spaces and Demarcations

Cornelia Klocker (Konstanz)
Mapping the language of discrimination cases: the terminology of "groups" in the European Court of Human Rights.

Maria Sagmeister (Vienna)
Rethinking collectivity in labour law protection. Making working mothers the benchmark.

Sebastien Tremblay (Berlin)
When gay memory silences lesbians: A visual intellectual history of the legal erasure of female oppression in the homosexual memory of National Socialism.

Lorene Poblete (Buenos Aires)
Defining domestic work at the court. The case of the Domestic Workers’ Tribunal at Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Chair: Petra Sußner (Berlin) and Alik Mazukatow (Berlin)

13.30 – 14.00 Break

14.00-16.00 Panel II: Collective Strategies: Dynamics and Processes of Collectivization

Lisa Hahn (Berlin)
Collectivity in Court: Legal mobilization through “litigation colectives”.

Jan Marschelke (Regensburg)
Doing Collectivity. What’s behind the notion of "practices of collectivization"?

Smitha Sasidharan Nair (Mumbai)
Creating Spaces and Gendering Law: Examining the collective action by Women’s Health Movement in India.

Chair: Isabell Hensel (Frankfurt/Oder) and Maja Appelt (Potsdam)

19.00 - 20.00 Art & Performance
Störgeräusche Live-Perfomance by hannsjana

19.00 - 21.00 Uhr Socializing @ Wonder

Friday, June 4th

11.00-16.30 Socializing @ Wonder

12:00 – 13.40 Panel III: Dynamics of Individualization and Collectivization

Karsten Schubert; Reiner Mühlhoff (Freiburg, Berlin)
The Death of Gay Sex Spaces. Legal Interpretation, Affect, and the Discipline of Queer Collectivity

Fiona Schmidt (Berlin)
Investigating the 'Other'. Institutional Racism and Masculinities in the Police.

Urmila Goel (Berlin)
Campaigning for their right to work and stay in 1977 – Experiences from the recruitment of Asian nurses in West Germany

Chair: Bettina Barthel (Berlin) and Veronika Springmann (Berlin)

13.40-14.00 Break

14.00-15.30: Interdisciplinary Gleanings

Gender: Martin Lücke (Berlin) and Elisabeth Holzleithner (Vienna)

Collectivity: Hanna Meißner (Berlin) and Eddie Bruce- Jones (London)

Law: Eva Kocher (Frankfurt/ Oder) and Julia Eckert (Bern)

15.30-16.00 Uhr Closing Remarks
Susanne Baer (Berlin), Beate Binder (Berlin), Sabine Hark (Berlin)
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