Researching Nordic Colonialism – Past, Present, Futures

Researching Nordic Colonialism – Past, Present, Futures

Nordic Colonialism and the Global research project (Dr. Janne Lahti)
Dr. Janne Lahti
Funded by
From - Until
24.05.2021 - 25.05.2021
Janne Lahti, History, University of Helsinki

What is Nordic colonialism? Is it relevant for Nordic and global histories? How is it researched? Come join the discussions for a singular panel or the whole workshop. “Researching Nordic Colonialism – Past, Present, Futures” is held on 24-25 May 2020 via Zoom. For the full program and Zoom registration go to:

Researching Nordic Colonialism – Past, Present, Futures

What is Nordic colonialism? Is it relevant for Nordic and global histories? How is it researched? Come join the discussions for a singular panel or the whole workshop. “Researching Nordic Colonialism – Past, Present, Futures” is held on 24-25 May 2020 via Zoom. For the full program and Zoom registration go to:

The idea of this workshop is to bring together a selection of scholars working on their respective national histories of colonialism and to have them engage in mutual dialogue pertaining to the shared trajectories and divergent pathways of colonialism in the Nordic context.

Nordic Colonialism and the Global is a Nordic project consisting of series of workshops, funded by NOS-HS. These workshops advance transnational framings, understandings, and entanglements of colonialism in the Nordic context.

The workshops reflect the recent rise of scholarly and public interest in colonial histories and postcolonial presents in the Nordic region by fostering international collaboration and exchange of ideas. They investigate how colonialism has been manifested in the historical experience and contemporary identities in the Nordic region and beyond. They investigate also, what kind of influence it has had on the definitions of nationhood, the society at large, and on group and individual identity.


Nordic Colonialism and the Global-project

Topic: Researching Nordic Colonialism – Past, Present, Futures
Place: Zoom
Time: May 24-25, 2021
All times: CET


May 24, 2021

10.00AM -12.00PM
Opening session: Windows to Nordic Colonialism
Opening words: Janne Lahti, Gunlög Fur, Kristín Loftsdóttir, Rinna Kullaa, Linda Andersson Burnett and John Hennessey
Leila Koivunen and Anna Rastas, The Integration of Discussions on Colonialism into Finnish Histories
Magdalena Naum, Colonialism, Collecting and Regimes of Knowledge: Approaching Native American Objects in Danish Museums
Sami Lakomäki, “If These Two Obviously Hardened Men… Are Allowed to Live”: How to Reckon with Colonial Violence in Early Modern Sápmi?

1.00-2.00PM Panel I Everyday Racialization in the Nordic Countries
Chair: Kristín Loftsdóttir
Mante Vertelyte, “Why are they not friends?”: Unpacking youth Racialization in Denmark
Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Being Visible yet Invisible: How RaceMmatters for Asians in Sweden

2.30-4.00PM Panel II Colonial Culture as Nordic Culture
Chair: Janne Lahti
Åsa Bharathi-Larsson, Uncle Tom’s Cabin as Media Culture
Elina Arminen, Literary Representations of Environmental Colonialism in Finnish Pechenga
Thajilah Olaiya, Resistance and Remembering in the Former Danish West Indies

4.30-6.00PM Panel III Resource Colonialism Over Time
Chair: Gunlög Fur
Laura Junka-Aikio, Whose Settler Colonial State? The Arctic Railway, Hinterland Communities and Self-indigenization in Northern Finland
Jonas M. Nordin, Copper, Culture, and Colonialism: 17th Century Copper Extraction in Sápmi
Dag Avango, Swedish Resource Colonialism in the Arctic and Antarctic in the Late Modern Period

May 25, 2021

10.00-11.00AM Panel IV Imperial Artefacts: Looting, Museums, and Nordic “Exceptionalism”
Chair: Linda Andersson Burnett
Liv Nilsson Stutz, Exceptional, ahead, or behind? Swedish Museums and Their Relationships to Human Remains
Eeva-Kristiina Harlin, From Repatriation to Rematriation: Sámi Objects and the Change of Paradigm

11.30AM-1.00PM Panel V Nordic People in Transimperial Networks
Chair: John Hennessey
Mikko Toivanen, Finnish Colonisers Under a Foreign Flag? The Career of Hjalmar Björling in the Dutch East Indies
Lisa Hellman, Coerced Colonialism: 18th-century Swedish Prisoners of War in Russia and Central Asia
Eyrún Eyþórsdóttir, Doing Diaspora: Creating Icelandic Identity and Heritage in Brazil

1.30-2.30PM Panel VI Art and Nordic Colonialism
Chair: Rinna Kullaa
Jacqueline Hoang Nguyen, The long walk: following the tick-ticking sounds into the unknown – or, The omitted
Anna Ekman, Les archives suédoises

2.30 PM Closing remarks; What’s next for Nordic Colonialism?

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