Russia and the Seven Years' War (SYW, 1756-1763): Politics, Army, Culture and the People of the Era

Russland und der Siebenjährige Krieg (1756-1763): Politik, Militär, Kultur, Leute

Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau
Russian Federation
Vom - Bis
27.05.2021 - 28.05.2021
Denis Sdvizkov, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau

The Seven Years' War as a "first world war" (W. Churchill) fought on three continents remained largely unknown in Russia, and although the range of available sources has greatly expanded in recent years, there is still much to be discovered in the archives. The conference is intended to bring together researchers who wish to investigate this topic further, but also to establish a state of the art in research and to open up new approaches to the research field.

Russland und der Siebenjährige Krieg (1756-1763): Politik, Militär, Kultur, Leute

Working languages: English and Russian with simultaneous interpretation.


Russia and the Seven Years' War (SYW, 1756-1763): Politics, Army, Culture and the People of the Era,
May 27-28, 2021, Moscow

Venue: German Historical Institute in Moscow & Online
Working languages: English, Russian (simultaneous translation)

27.05.2020, Thursday (schedule given in MSK time: GMT + 3).

9.30-10:00 (MSK: ) Registration off- & online

10:00 Opening of the conference (DHIM director Sandra Dahlke; Denis Sdvizhkov)

Panel „By other means“: War, diplomacy, politics I
10:20-10:40 Maria Petrova (Institute of World History RAN) Hermann-Karl von Keyserlingk and an aborted alliance between Russian and Holy Roman Empire
10:40-11:00 Tomasz Szwaciński (National Library of Poland)/ Online Two reports of Alexander Golitsyn from London (June 1756)
11:00-11:20 Mikhail Kiselev (Ural Federal Un-ty / Ural Branch RAN) Clerk and War: Dmitry Volkov, informal relations and politics in Russia (late 1750s- early 1760s)

11:20-12:00 Discussion, coffee-break

Panel „By other means“: War, diplomacy, politics II Moderation: Maria Petrova (Institute of World History RAN)
12:00-12:20 Jury Akimov (SPb Un-ty / HSE Moscow) Russia and military actions in North America during the SYW
12:20-12:40 Olga Khavanova (Institute of Slavic Studies RAN) Baptisms, weddings and war: subjects and forms of communication between the Saint-Petersburg and Vienna courts before and during the SYW
12:40-13:00 František Stellner (Charles Un-ty Prague) Dynastic Politics of European Powers during the SYW

13:00-14:30 Discussion, lunch

14:30-14:50 Sergey Polskoy (HSE Moscow) What the Russian officers in the middle of the 18th century spoke about: „Soldiers Talks“ (1743) and its origin

Panel «Nerve of the war»: Finances, Logistics, Industry Moderation: Catherine Evtukhov (Columbia Un-ty, NY)
14:50-15:00 Catherine Evtukhov (Columbia Un-ty, NY) Online The Army of Elizabeth and the "Baltic Road"
15:00-15:20 Friederike Gehrmann (Viadrina Un-ty, Frankfurt (Oder) Online The Russian Iron Industry during the Seven Years’ War

15:20-15:40 Coffee-break

15:40-16:00 Maxim Khatskevich (RGADA/ Lomonossov Un-ty Moscow) Development of the Russian recruiting system during the SYW (according to guberniia and voevoda chancellery reports)
16:00-16:20 Pavel Demchenko (HSE SPb) Spoliation and naval prize practics during the SYW in the context of international relations
16:20-17:00 Discussion, coffee-break

Panel: Легкие войска: гусары, казаки, граничары / Light troops: Hussars, Cossacs, Grenzer. Moderation: Tomasz Ciesielski (Un-ty of Opole, Poland) Online
17:00-17:20 Alexander Buczynski (Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb) Online ‘Small War’ in a ‘World War’ Context: The Introduction of Regular Light Troops from the Austrian Military Frontier in the Third Silesian War
17:20-17:40 Pyotr Avakov (Southern Scientific Center RAN) New Huns invasion: Don Cossacks in the SYW 1756-1763
17:40-18:00 Jakov Lazarev (Ural Federal Un-ty) Ukrainian Cossacks in the context of mobilizations and war plans of the Russian Government in the SYW
18:00-18:20 Vadim Egorov (Russian State Military Historical Archive) Russian Hussars of the SYW: Composition and uniform (1757-1762)

18:20-19:00 Discussion

28.05.2020, Friday

10:00-10:20 Tomasz Ciesielski (Un-ty of Opole, Poland) The Logistic of the Russian army in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1757-1762. Transport, food and provender, military magazines in a Polish town

Panel: Men of the SYW at war and in peace.
Moderation: Olga Khavanova (Institute of Slavic Studies RAN)
10:20-10:40 Denis Sdvizhkov (German Historical Institute) Autobiographical sources of the SYW in European comparison
10:40-11:00 Maxim Anissimov (IRI RAN) Historical documents about the SYW in the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire

11:00-11:50 Discussion, coffee-break

11:50-12:10 Alexey Golubinsky (IRI RAN) SYW officers in civilian service: the General Land survey in Russia
12:10-12:30 Brian Davies (University of Texas at San Antonio) / Online F. W. von Bauer: Quartermaster, Cartographer, and Field Commander in Prussian and Russian Service

12:30-14:00 Discussion, lunch

Panel: Память войны, светская и сакральная / Memory of the war, sacral and secular
Moderation: Denis Sdvizhkov (German Historical Institute)
14:00-14:10 Vitaly Ziabrikov (IVI RAN) Presentation of the Russian version of „Wars of Frederick the Great“ (German General Staff)
14:10-14:30 Nadieszda Kizenko (Uni-ty at Albany) The Liturgical Commemoration—and Forgetting—of the Seven Years’ War
14:30-14:50 Mikhail Miliutin (Academic Gymnasium SPbGU) Outline of the „History of the SYW“ in the memoirs of Andrey Bolotov: history of the text

14:50-15:10 Coffee-break

15:10-15:30 Alexandra Veselova (IRLI RAN) „This war was my first school“: SYW in Russian memoirs in the second half of the 18th century
15:30-15:50 Maxim Batshev (Russian Research In-t for Cultural & Natural Heritage) SYW in Russian travelogues at the turn of the 19th century

15:50-17:00 Panel discussion, Closing remarks, closing of the conference.

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