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    The editorial board of the journal "New Literary Observer" and the European University at St. Petersburg announce a call for applications for the VI Annual Conference within the framework of their joint project "Anthropologization of Humanities and Social Sciences"
    Yerevan, 24.10.2024 – 25.10.2024, Bewerbungsschluss: 15.03.2024
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    Helena Holzberger (Russia-Asia Studies, LMU Munich) and Arpine Maniero (Collegium Carolinum e.V., Munich) in cooperation with Max Weber Stiftung, the Faculty of History of Yerevan State University and the American University of Armenia
    Yerevan, 02.10.2023 – 06.10.2023, Bewerbungsschluss: 01.05.2023
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    The International Journal 'Iran and the Caucasus' (BRILL: Leiden - Boston), the Department of Iranian Studies at Yerevan State University, the Makhtumquli Feraqi Centre for Turkic Studies at ARYA International University (Yerevan), the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (Armenian Branch), in collaboration with the International Society for the Study of Iran and the Caucasus (ISSIC), Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies (Yerevan), the Armenian-Turkmen Cooperation Centre "Partev" (Yerevan), and the Armenian Association for Academic Partnership and Support - ARMACAD (Yerevan)
    Yerevan, Armenia, 10.07.2009 – 12.07.2009, Bewerbungsschluss: 20.02.2009
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