Short-Term Post-Doctoral Fellowship "Manfred Lahnstein" (Haifa, Israel)

Short-Term Post-Doctoral Fellowship "Manfred Lahnstein" (Haifa, Israel)

The Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society
Gefördert durch
ZEIT-Stiftung, Bucerius Institute, University of Haifa
Vom - Bis
23.10.2022 - 31.08.2022
Amir Bar-On, Bucerius Institute, University of Haifa

10.000,00 Euros Fellowship (minimum 3 months) for innovative research on 20th-century German history, culture, and society.
Place: Haifa, Israel
Time: Academic Year 2022–2023 (Oct 22 to Aug. 23)
Target Group: German and Israeli postdoctoral scholars which plan to finalize their research for an important publication and need to gather archival materials for a book, a series of articles, or an important grant application.

Short-Term Post-Doctoral Fellowship "Manfred Lahnstein" (Haifa, Israel)

The Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society invites applications from Germany and Israel for two short-term post-doctoral fellowships valued at 10.000,00 EUR each (minimum 3 months) for innovative research on 20th-century German history, culture, and society.

One fellowship is intended for an Israeli postdoctoral scholar, the other for a German postdoctoral scholar, each of whom plans to finalize their research for an important publication and needs to gather archival materials for a book, a series of articles, or an important grant application. Each fellowship is meant to cover a three-month research stay in either Israel or Germany. The fellowship in Israel will be held at the Bucerius Institute (University of Haifa) under the mentorship of a Bucerius fellow. The fellowship in Germany will be held at a German academic institution, to be chosen by the Fellow. Candidates are expected to contact, in advance, their chosen institution in Germany to find a mentor.

Each Lahnstein Fellow will commit him- or herself to:

1. Carry out their research at either the Bucerius Institute or a German academic institution for a period of at least three months, between October 2022 and August 2023
2. In the case of the Fellow staying in Haifa, participate in the events held by the Bucerius Institute, and be registered as Post-doctoral Fellow there. The Fellow staying in Germany will also be asked to register as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Bucerius Institute
3. Give the yearly “Lahnstein Lecture” at the end of the fellowship. The “Lahnstein Lecture Series” is a new, high-profile event at the University of Haifa, sponsored by the Bucerius Institute and attended by a large audience of students and faculty from both the University of Haifa and the other academic institutions in Israel. Lectures are broadcast online in real time, and made accessible later in a recorded format. For the Fellow spending his or her Fellowship in Germany, the lecture will be given upon his or her return to Israel
4. Produce an important publication in the months following the fellowship, in which the fellow acknowledges the support of the ZEIT-Stiftung and the Bucerius Institute
Interested applicants must have been awarded their Ph.D. no earlier than October 01, 2018, and have submitted their dissertation no later than June 1st, 2022

Applicants must submit:

- A letter of application
- Research proposal (up to 5 pages)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Two letters of recommendation
- A letter of acceptance from a mentor at the Bucerius Institute (University of Haifa), or from a German mentor, who is a professor at a German academic institution
- Official Doctoral Diploma


All material should be written in English. Applications should be sent to Amir Bar-On, Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2022. Decisions will be made within two months and applicants will be informed accordingly.


Herr Amir Bar-On
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Englisch, Deutsch, Hebrew (former iw)