Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowships for the Study of German Politics, Society, and Culture

Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowships for the Study of German Politics, Society, and Culture

Davidson College
Davidson, NC USA
United States
Vom - Bis
01.09.2007 - 01.09.2008
Scott Denham

The American Council on Germany is seeking applications for the 2007-2008 Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowships for the Study of German Politics, Society, and Culture. The fellowships were established in 2003 to support American academics whose research contributes to the scholarly discourse on contemporary German society and the political, cultural, and social history of Germany. The writing of this history has been an important international project, as Germany’s significant contributions to western culture and society and the profound repercussions of its past continue to resonate around the world. In this spirit of the cooperative study of Germany, Hunt fellows from the United States cross the Atlantic to undertake archival research, conduct interviews, and join their German counterparts in making significant contributions to the understanding of the German people.

The fellowships are in recognition of ACG Vice Chairman Richard M. Hunt, who devoted much of his career as a Harvard University historian to mentoring younger scholars. Dr. Hunt also served as President of the American Council on Germany for 15 years.

The Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowship award covers the costs of pre-approved international and inter-city travel and provides a per diem stipend of $150 for up to 28 days in Germany. Fellows are required to develop research itineraries in consultation with the American Council on Germany, and following the completion of the trip, fellows submit a report summarizing their findings.

Fellows are selected through a competitive application process. The selection committee will evaluate applications based on: the contribution the project will make to a better understanding of contemporary Germany in historical context; the feasibility of the proposed project; the training of the applicant; and the scholarly potential of the applicant. While applicants should demonstrate an interest in German political, social, and cultural affairs, no prior experience in Germany is required. The fellowship program aims to serve – but is not limited to – postgraduate students in relatively early stages of their careers (including individuals enrolled in Ph.D. programs who are finishing their dissertation). All applicants must hold U.S. citizenship. Knowledge of the German language is not a prerequisite.

Please submit a cover letter outlining personal and professional objectives for the fellowship; a current curriculum vitae; a project proposal of at least two pages; and two letters of recommendation to:

Selection Committee, Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowship
American Council on Germany
14 East 60th Street, Suite 1000
New York, NY 10022

Application Postmark Deadline: Friday, July 6, 2007

For more information, please visit www.acgusa.org or contact Ted Mathys, ACG Program Coordinator,
at 212-826-3636 or tmathys@acgusa.org

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