Forkosch Prize in Intellectual History - 2008 Competition Deadline Extended

Forkosch Prize in Intellectual History - 2008 Competition Deadline Extended

Journal of the History of Ideas
Philadelphia, USA
United States
Nicholas Di Liberto

The Journal of the History of Ideas is pleased to announce that the deadline for 2008 Forkosch Prize competition has been extended.

The JHI awards each year the Morris D. Forkosch Prize ($2000) to the best first book in intellectual history.

Submissions must be limited to the first book published by any author, and to books published in English, with a copyright date of 2008, pertaining to one or more of the disciplines associated with intellectual history and the history of ideas broadly conceived: viz., history (including the histories of the various arts and sciences); philosophy (including the philosophy of science, aesthetics, and other fields); political thought; the social sciences (including anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology); and literature (including literary criticism, history and theory).

No translations or collections of essays will be considered. The judges will favor publications displaying sound scholarship, original conceptualization, and significant chronological and interdisciplinary scope.

Authors and publishers interested in the 2008 competition should contact the editorial offices of the Journal of the History of Ideas for additional information:

The Extended deadline for nominations is June 30, 2009.