Funded Research Studentship (University of Sussex)

Funded Research Studentship (University of Sussex)

University of Sussex - The School of History, Art History & Philosophy
Brighton, UK
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese

Funded Research Studentship
Quakers as Rescuers
University of Sussex - Department of History - Centre for German-Jewish Studies

We are offering a three-year funded research studentship at the Centre for German-Jewish Studies, University of Sussex, to complete a doctoral dissertation on the topic:

"Quakers as Rescuers during the Nazi Period"

This scholarship has been established by Dr Alfred Bader in recognition of the work of Professor Edward Timms as Founder of the Centre for German-Jewish Studies.

The Quakers (also known as the Society of Friends) were actively involved during the period 1933-45 in efforts to rescue people at risk from persecution on political, religious or racial grounds in Germany, Austria and other parts of Nazi-occupied Europe. Their representatives were active in many European cities, supported by refugee committees at home.

Applicants for this studentship will have a good knowledge of modern history and a strong interest in relations between refugees and rescuers. An interest in oral history and knowledge of two or more languages are likely to be an advantage. All applicants will be expected to have a good first degree (at least 2i) and an MA in a relevant subject would be an advantage.

The objectives will include:

- A review of previous research in this field
- The identification of archival sources in the UK and other countries
- The use of oral history testimony and the recording of further interviews
- Compiling a comprehensive an account of the Quakers as rescuers in the period, taking account of activities in the UK and other countries

The studentship will begin in October 2010 or at an agreed later date. The successful applicant will be expected to complete a dissertation for submission for the degree of PhD at the University of Sussex at the end of three years. He or she will be a member of the History Department and, as well as having access to all the events taking place there, will be expected to participate in the conferences and research seminars of the Centre for German-Jewish Studies.

The successful applicant will receive a tax-free annual stipend of £13,200 together with the payment of university fees (at Home/ EU level). The continuation of the studentship during the second and third years will be subject to a satisfactory report from the research supervisor concerned.

For further information about the Centre for German-Jewish Studies, see

Please send your c.v. to the Head of the History Department -

The closing date for applications is September 24th 2010

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