PhD Studentship "Heinrich von Kleist and Post-war German cinema" (Univ. Warwick)

PhD Studentship "Heinrich von Kleist and Post-war German cinema" (Univ. Warwick)

University of Warwick
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
Department of German Studies

Fully-funded (AHRC) PhD studentship at the University of Warwick.

Heinrich von Kleist and Post-war German cinema

We are looking to recruit a suitable candidate for a full-time PhD studentship at the University of Warwick investigating representations of Kleist's life and works in post-war German cinema. The PhD will be one element of a three-year AHRC-sponsored research project entitled 'Kleist, Education and Violence. The Transformation of Ethics and Aesthetics'. The other members of the team are Prof Ricarda Schmidt (PI, University of Exeter), Dr Seán Allan (CI, University of Warwick) and Dr Steven Howe (Post-doctoral researcher, University of Exeter). The PhD element of the project will be based at the University of Warwick under the supervision of Dr Seán Allan.

The key objective of the research project as a whole is an exploration of the aesthetic and ethical transformations of eighteenth-century discourses in Kleist's work. These transformations will be considered from two distinct
- but nonetheless related - perspectives: education and violence. The project has created an opportunity for a PhD dissertation that analyses the ways in which film-makers have sought to re-appropriate and re-define the myth of 'Kleist' in their work at different historical moments. The precise topic and scope of the PhD is, however, not prescribed and will be determined by the candidate's particular interests.

The candidate must have at least an upper second class BA (Hons) degree in German Studies, Film Studies or a related joint honours degree. An MA qualification in a relevant field would be a distinct advantage. Applicants from Film Studies should note that strong language skills in German are essential as very little of the primary material is available in translation.

The studentship will run from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013 and includes full tuition fees at the UK/EU rate, plus maintenance at the current AHRC rate (approx £13, 290 p.a). The project also has a budget for the candidate to attend an annual conference in Europe. Please note that only citizens of the EU are eligible for these studentships and that the annual stipend can only be paid to candidates who satisfy the AHRC's requirements of UK residency, details of which are available from the AHRC website.

Applicants should send a letter of application, together with a CV either by mail or electronically to:

Dr Seán Allan
Department of German Studies
University of Warwick,


In addition applicants should provide TWO references from academic referees in support of their application. References should be sent directly to:

The closing date for submission of applications and references is Wednesday 20 October 2010. We anticipate interviewing prospective candidates on Wednesday 27 October 2010.