35 Promotionsstipendien (EUI Florenz)

35 Promotionsstipendien (EUI Florenz)

European University Institute, Department of History
Vom - Bis
01.09.2011 - 01.09.2015
European University Institute, Department of History

The Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute invites applications for a four year doctoral programme in History and Civilization


Studying for a PhD in history at the EUI means being actively engaged with the full range of historical research in Europe - its academic disputes, its cultural riches, and different kinds of civility and sociability. In the first year emphasis is placed not only on starting up the PhD project, but also on research training, with seminars offering unique opportunities to study and debate methodological issues, to delve into the riches of European historiography, to acquire new research skills, to develop presentation style and academic writing, and to study foreign languages.

Work in the Department is organized to allow for regular research trips, funded by the Institute, for work in archives and libraries across Europe and beyond. First-class library and data access, extensive computing facilities, career development, language courses, post-doc fellowships exist at the EUI.


Each year around 35 citizens of EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, and a small number from elsewhere, are admitted to the PhD programme. Among them are usually 4-5 students of German nationality, and one person from Austria and Switzerland.


Doctoral researchers receive a scholarship from their national government for a period of three years and the Institute provides funding for the fourth and final year. For German nationals, the grants (1300 Euros per month) are financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), for the Austrian and Swiss applicants by the national education ministries (1200 and 1350 Euros per month). Grants and additional allowances are provided for periods of up to a term for exchange programmes at different universities in Europe and the United States.


The institute also offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities: clubs, societies, sports (football team), a theatre group, cycling, yoga......

Prof. Antonella Romano - Director of Graduate Studies

HEC Department
European University Institute
Via Boccaccio 121
50133 Firenze - Italy

phone: +39.055.4685.276
fax: +39.055.468.5203