International Postgraduate Programme "East-Central Europe in Transnational Perspective" at the University of Leipzig

International Postgraduate Programme "East-Central Europe in Transnational Perspective" at the University of Leipzig

Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig
Vom - Bis
01.10.2012 -
Seidler, Maren

The Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig invites applications for 5 grants supporting doctoral researchers in the project “East-Central Europe in Transnational Perspective” at the University of Leipzig.

The post-graduate programme focuses on the transnational entanglements of Eastern European history since the late 19th century and is directed towards candidates from East-Central European countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).

There are six main research areas:
- Borders and territorialisation: Where does East-Central Europe end and what is beyond?
- Integration of East-Central European economies into world markets since 1900
- Migration and cultural encounter: East-Central Europeans on the move
- East-Central European representatives in international organizations
- Cultural transfer and the transnationalisation of East-Central Europe since late 19th century
- EU enlargement and globalisation at the beginning of the 21st century

We welcome applications from researchers familiar with East Central European modern and contemporary history in particular, however, the programme is open for fellows having graduated in geography, cultural studies, sociology, politics, economics, and literary studies.

We ask for a very good command either of the English or the German language as communication within the programme will be conducted in these two languages. Applications are to be submitted in English or German and should include:
- letter of application for the PhD- study programme
- CV including information on the current supervising academic/s and the main research field
- research proposal (10-15 pages) with a description of the relevant international state of
- timetable for the dissertation project reflecting the current state of the art
- two letters of reference from qualified academics
- copies of certificates concerning successful graduation from university (master, magister or

Participants will complete a study programme comprising special research seminars, working groups, colloquia and workshops on key qualifications. Further integral parts are the annual summer school and the winter conference.

The project is a co-operation of the Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig (director: Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell) with the Centre for History and Culture of East- Central Europe (subject coordinator of history of the 19th and 20th centuries: Dr. Frank Hadler) and the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (director: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lentz).

The doctoral positions are remunerated via scholarships awarded for three to twelve months periods and comprise a monthly living allowance of 1.100 Euro. Applicants are therefore requested to state the length of their proposed research stay in Leipzig. Once selected for the program, participants will be able to reapply for another research period in case a joint supervision has been agreed upon during the first period of funding. Positions will be starting at the beginning of the winter term (from October 2012) or as soon as possible thereafter.

The project is funded by the Saxonian State Ministry of Arts and Sciences (Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, SMWK).

For further and more detailed information, please see:

Deadline for applications: 31 July 2012

Please send your application
via e-mail to:
via mail to:

University of Leipzig
Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences
Maren Seidler
Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1
04105 Leipzig

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