PhD Studentship "History" (University of Wolverhampton)

PhD Studentship "History" (University of Wolverhampton)

The School of Law, Social Sciences and Communications, University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton, UK
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.04.2013 - 31.03.2016
The School of Law, Social Sciences and Communications, University of Wolverhampton

Applications are invited for a full-time PhD Studentship in History.

The post is available to Social Science, Humanities or cognate graduates. The studentship is to run for three years, with an initial annual stipend of £13,750. Applicants from outside the UK are welcome.

Applicants will ideally possess a first or upper second-class honours degree (at least a 2.1) and a Masters qualification from a UK University, or a qualification regarded by the University as equivalent, and will be expected to register for a higher degree.

Applicants should include a 500-word outline of their research project which should be linked to the areas of expertise in the Department. Such strengths are: Trade, Retailing and Consumption; Conflict and Peace Studies (including Military History, Terrorism and Conflict Resolution); German History; Labour history; Textile and Dress History; Youth Culture and Popular Music, Working Class History.

The outline should include title of project, aims, research questions and sources to be used.

LSSC current MPhil/PhD students are not eligible to apply for this post.

Interviews (including a short presentation) are expected to be held on Friday 1st March 2013.

Further details and application forms (returnable by Friday 22nd February 2013) are available from:

Jacqueline Jones,
Research Administrator,,
Room MC309, School of Law, Social Sciences and Communications,
University of Wolverhampton,
Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton,

Tel: 01902 322145. E-mail

The University is eager to attract larger numbers of applications from groups of people currently under-represented amongst the institution’s research community – especially from women and people from ethnic minority groups.