PhD and MA "German Studies" and Postgraduate Scholarships (Univ. of Warwick)

PhD and MA "German Studies" and Postgraduate Scholarships (Univ. of Warwick)

University of Warwick
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.10.2014 - 31.03.2018
Department of German Studies

For the coming academic session (2014-15), the Department of German Studies at the University of Warwick invites applications for our MA and PhD programmes and for scholarships for PhD study.

Warwick is one of the leading research universities in the UK. In the last national Research Assessment Exercise, the University was rated among the first seven. The Department of German Studies ( is renowned for its strong cultural studies profile, considering cultural production in the context of historical, social, and political developments. Research interests in the department range across the whole of the modern period, from the eighteenth-century Enlightenment to the present day, with notable areas of expertise in constructions of nation, gender and ethnicity, German Romanticism, 18th and 19th century drama, the culture of the Weimar period, representations of violence, German-Jewish literature, antisemitism, cultures of memory, post-war poetry, diasporic cultures (film and literature), travel writing, post-war cinema (including DEFA film), Orientalism, Islam and East-West cultural differences within German traditions, as well as the role played by German-speaking thinkers and practitioners in the development of the critical canon of cultural theory and film theory. We are interested in supporting research projects in any of these and related areas.

The department offers a lively research culture and strong cross-disciplinary ties to other departments in the Humanities, and we also welcome applications for suitable cross-disciplinary projects. Collaborative research within the Humanities is fostered by a number of interdisciplinary research centres (more information at, such as the Humanities Research Centre, the Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts, the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, the Warwick Eighteenth Century Centre or the Global History and Culture Centre.


The PhD course normally lasts three to maximally four years (seven years part-time); PhD theses can be written in English or German. You can find a profile of our department and details of current PhD projects at: For staff research interests see individual staff websites; links at; on research in the department see also We also welcome interdisciplinary research projects, e.g. in German & Film Studies, German & Theatre Studies, German & History or German & Philosophy, provided they have a sufficiently strong focus on film, literature or social and cultural theory. Interdisciplinary projects will normally be jointly supervised by faculty from different departments and might therefore have to be written in English rather than German.


An MA course will last 12 months (24 months part-time). The Department of German Studies offers, or is involved in, the following programmes:
- MA for Research in German Studies (taught)
- MA Pan-Romanticisms (taught)
- MA Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference (taught)
- MA in German Studies by Research (research degree, topic open)

The MA courses in Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference and in Pan-Romanticisms and the MA for Research in German Studies are strongly interdisciplinary and several Departments contribute to teaching and supervision.


Applications for a place on our PhD programme are open until September 2014; applications for a SCHOLARSHIP (Chancellor’s Scholarship), however, close considerably earlier. If at all possible, please contact the department informally by 04 NOVEMBER 2013.

Applicants for the Chancellor's Scholarship are selected by Faculty panels in a university-wide competition. The volume of applications for a limited number of scholarships is very high and prior academic performance is a central selection criterion (for details on criteria please see Unfortunately, only candidates with an overall mark of 'sehr gut' (projected or awarded) in their German Magister / MA or 'First Class' in their UK MA (or equivalent in other national education systems) therefore have a realistic chance of obtaining a scholarship.

The application proceeds in two steps:

1) Applicants wishing to be supported for a scholarship should contact the Department informally as soon as possible for advice on the application process and to establish if we can offer supervision in your specific area of interest. Initially, we only need
(a) a brief outline of your project (ca. 1-3 p.)
(b) Information about your BA and (projected) MA/Magister results, and
(c) where applicable, information about your publications and any relevant work experience.

Please contact Prof. Anne Fuchs (Director of Graduate Studies, informally by 04 NOVEMBER at the latest.

2) If we decide to support your application, we will ask you first to officially apply for a place on the PhD course via the Warwick Graduate School (see before applying for a Chancellor’s Scholarship (information at

For the official application, you will need the following documents:

(a) An outline of your research project in English (max. 4500 characters, i.e. ca. 2 pages)
(b) A current CV
(c) Copies of your exam certificates (and, if necessary, certified translations into English)
(d) Two references.

The final deadline for the official scholarship application is 13 JANUARY 2014; references are due by 27 January. Without prior communication (see above), we will however not be able to support your application.


- MA for Research in German Studies: This is a taught MA designed for postgraduates with a strong desire to continue their studies through PhD research; for information please see or contact Prof. Anne Fuchs (

- MA in German Studies by Research: This is a research degree without compulsory taught element. For information please see or contact Prof. Anne Fuchs (

- MA in Pan-Romanticisms: This interdisciplinary MA is administered by the Department of English and Comparative Literature; for information please see or contact Ms Cheryl Cave;

- MA in Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference: This interdisciplinary MA is currently administered by the Department of French; for information please see For advice on applications please contact Dr. Katherine Astbury ( Applications for this MA include samples of your academic writing and translation samples.


For the academic year 2014-15, several scholarships are available for the MA in Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference.

For further details about the Department and our PhD and MA courses see
For information and advice please contact:

Prof. Anne Fuchs (
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of German Studies
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL UK

Tel. + 44 (0)24 765-524419 (department office)
Fax + 44 (0)24 765-28173