Doctoral Awards and MA Award "History" (Univ. of Hull)

Doctoral Awards and MA Award "History" (Univ. of Hull)

University of Hull
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.09.2015 - 31.08.2018
Thomas Biskup

*1. Doctoral Awards"

The University of Hull is offering the following fully funded doctoral awards over three years. The topics are set out within the links but there is flexibility in terms of topic for the right candidate. The closing date is 2nd February 2015.

- Native American Slaveholding and Biracial Alliance Amongst Native American Indian and African Americans 1500-Present
Professor Joy Porter, Professor John Oldfield

- The Relationship between Conflict and Slavery
Professor Kevin Bales, Professor John Oldfield

- Towards the risk society? Cross-cultural encounters and the diffusion of scientific systems of insurance and risk management since 1800
Professor Robin Pearson, Professor Greg Bankoff

- Trees in Indigenous America in Historical and Biological Context
Professor Joy Porter, Professor Roland Ennos

2. MA Award

University of Hull MA in Historical Research funded studentship

As part of the Heritage Consortium, the University of Hull is offering one fully-funded place on the MA in Historical Research for a UK/EU fees status applicant.

Closing date: – 5pm Thursday 26th February 2015.

Studentships will start on Monday 28th September 2015.

Interviews to be held on Monday 16th March 2015.

For further information and an informal discussion contact:

Programme Leader: Dr Catherine Baker, 01482 465913, Department of History, University of Hull

The MA in Historical Research is designed to offer a grounding in historical research and either to prepare you for higher study at PhD level or – if taken as a stand-alone qualification – to cultivate transferable skills for employment in a range of related careers such as archives and libraries, teaching and research work. Past students have entered the wide range of careers open to arts and humanities graduates.

Students can choose to investigate any period or area of history for which the department can offer supervision and each has a personal research supervisor. The core module offers training in the fundamental skills and the theoretical basis of historical research work, and directly supports the dissertation. You can choose from a range of options. You can take modules that offer training in specific research skills, such as palaeography or languages, or you can pursue further study in your chosen historical period.

For the studentship, preference will be given to applicants proposing to research a topic relating to heritage and/or public history. The application system requires you to propose your research project.

In order to qualify for this scholarship you will require an undergraduate degree with at least a 2.1, or equivalent in a relevant subject.

This full-time UK/EU PhD Scholarship will include fees at the ‘home/EU’ student rate and maintenance (£9,681 in 2014/15) for one year.

Successful applicants will be informed of the award as soon as possible and by 17th April 2015 at the latest.

Please use the online application system highlighting that your first programme choice is MA in Historical Research.