Binational Research Tandem Program "History of Knowledge and Knowledge Cultures" (GHI Washington)

GHI Washington

A member institution of the Max Weber Foundation - International Humanities, the German Historical Institute Washington is a distinguished non-university affiliated historical research institute, conducting inter- and transdisciplinary research with a transatlantic focus. Its fellowship program promotes cutting-edge research in history and related disciplines and international exchange of scholars. For this purpose, the GHI in cooperation with the BMW Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown University is now offering German and North American scholars the opportunity to develop binational research tandems which link up two academics, one from Germany and one from North America, to work on projects on the history of knowledge, ideally ones which focus on the development of transatlantic perspectives on the issues they examine, and contain productive areas of overlap either in their topics or in their conceptional frameworks. The tandem program presents an excellent opportunity for scholars from Germany and North America to develop their expertise by collaborating closely, to work with additional resources and to make connections with others in their fields.

The program is designed for postdoctoral, mid-career, and established historians from Germany and North America. In order to ensure successful collaboration, our preference is for applicants to already have identified their potential tandem partner. We welcome applications from both long-standing binational partnerships as well as from newly created partnerships for the purposes of the fellowship. Preference will also be given to candidates doing original research for a new book project.

Starting in September 2017, the successful applicants will be in residence at the GHI and invited to participate in GHI activities and events. They will be expected to plan and convene a joint conference or workshop, which will be funded by the GHI, as well as to give a public lecture at Georgetown University. The fellows will have the opportunity to make use of the resources in the Washington, DC area, including the Library of Congress and the National Archives, while pursuing their research agendas.

Funding will be provided for a 12-month stay at the German Historical Institute Washington, DC. The monthly stipend will be graded, depending on the academic status applicants will receive:
€3,000/month for Postdoctoral Scholars / Habilitierende
€4500/month for Assistant Professors / W1-Professoren
€5,200/month for Associate Professors / W2-Professoren
€6,000/month for Professors / W3-Professoren

In addition, fellowship recipients based in Europe will receive reimbursement for their round-trip economy airfare to the US. The GHI regrets that it is unable to provide accommodation for its fellows.

The deadline for applications is August 1, 2016. To apply, please send a cover letter, a CV, a copy of the certificate of your most recently achieved qualification, a research project proposal (5 pages or 2,000 words max), a one-page proposal for a conference or workshop, two samples of your academic writing (an article or a book chapter), and the names and contact details of two referees. While applicants may write in either English or German, we recommend that they use the language in which they are most proficient. We can accept applications in electronic form only. Please submit your documents in a single PDF file to:

All candidates will be notified in mid-October 2016 of the result of their application. For more information, please contact: Bryan Hart (

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