Travel Grants for Herrenhausen Symposium "The Long End of the First World War: Ruptures, Continuities and Memories"

Tina Walsweer


The Herrenhausen Symposium "The Long End of the First World War: Ruptures, continuities and memories" focuses on the relation between global history and social history, highlighting actors and regions and it systematically engages with the issue of diverse periodizations. In discussing linkages between experiences, historiography, and commemoration, the symposium aims at unsettling the notion of a static and clearly defined "end" of the First World War, a construct mainly based on European developments. Which events or developments marked the "end" of the war? How did the processes, which marked the end of the War, differ regionally and how did prisoners of war, demobilized soldiers, women or children from and in Asia, Africa and the Middle East perceive and experience the "end"? How did this "end" influence new networks, social movements, society, economic processes or ecological developments? And how were these questions discussed by contemporary intellectuals in Asia, Africa or the Middle East? The symposium will also discuss questions of changing memories and contested commemorations.


The Volkswagen Foundation offers travel grants for PhD students researching on the First World War in an outer-European perspective. Applicants can win one of six travel grants to take part in the Herrenhausen Symposium "The Long End of the First World War" in Hanover, Germany. Successful applicants will get the chance to discuss their research with senior scholars in a special PhD session on May 8, 2017 and shortly present their main argument in the plenum. Their posters on their respective PhD projects will be displayed during the symposium. The grants include travel expenses to and from Hanover, visa fees (if applicable), as well as accommodation in Hanover.


- A short description of your research focus that explains how your approach tackles the challenges the questions of a "Long End of the First World War" and ruptures, continuities and memories (max. 2.000 characters)
- An abstract of your research project (max. 2.000 characters)
- A short C.V. (max. 1.000 characters)
- A short list of your most recent publications (max. 5).


Participants will be selected by the steering committee. Acceptance will be based on qualification of the applicant as well as originality and potential of the research project.



November 1st, 2016 via