Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust: 2018 Article Prize Competition

Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust: 2018 Article Prize Competition

Haifa University
Kobi Kabalek

Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust: 2018 Article Prize Competition

The editors invite the submission of original articles in all areas of Holocaust Studies,


- Nazi policies against the Jews and other racial and genocidal programs

- Jewish responses to Nazism (in and outside of Europe)

- Racism

- Nazi propaganda

- Ghettos and camps

- European collaboration

- War crimes trials

- Survivor testimony

- Commemoration and Museology

- World War II and its aftermath

- Holocaust literature, drama, film, art, etc.

All approaches and methodologies are welcome.

The prize of $ 1000 (U.S. dollars) will be awarded to the best article as selected by a panel of judges. The competition is open to graduate students as well as established scholars. We welcome submissions of 7,000-10,000 words (including footnotes) written in English and formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style.

The prize-winning article will be published in Dapim. All other submissions will also be considered for publication in the journal.

Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office at dapim_h@univ.haifa.ac.il

Deadline: To be considered for the prize all submissions should be received by the end of December 2018.

For more information about Dapim, the competition and for instructions to writers, please visit our website: http://dapimholocaust.haifa.ac.il/