Assistant Professor "Peace and Conflict Studies" (Univ. Innsbruck)

University Assistant/Assistant Professor - Peace and Conflict Studies

Universität Innsbruck (Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies)
Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies
Matthias König, Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck

The Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Innsbruck is inviting applications for a tenure-track-like position as Assistant Professor in Peace and Conflict Studies.

University Assistant/Assistant Professor - Peace and Conflict Studies

Faculty of Philosophy and History / Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies – University of Innsbruck
University Assistant / Assistant Professor – Peace and Conflict Studies

The Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Innsbruck is inviting applications for a tenure-track-like position as Assistant Professor in Peace and Conflict Studies.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop an independent and clearly defined research project on the level of Habilitation in the field of peace and conflict research with a theoretical ap-proach that takes aspects of applied conflict transformation and/or peace education into consideration. International networking and interdisciplinary cooperation, acquisition of research projects and external funding and participation in the Research Area “Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts” and its Research Center “Peace and Conflict” are also expected. A strong commitment to independent high-quality teaching in the field of peace and conflict studies, especially in the exist-ing MA Program (ULG) for Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation and the planned MA Program in Peace and Conflict Studies, respectively its neighboring disciplines as well as the supervision of students is expected. The candidate will further be expected to participate in academic organization and administration.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Peace and Conflict Studies or a related field and provide expertise in the field of Peace, Conflict, Security and Development Studies and Peace Education. An additional expertise in one or more of the following fields is highly desirable: Gender Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Media Studies, International Law/Justice, Critical Race Studies, Environmental Studies. A regional expertise in Latin America, Africa and/or the Middle East would be welcome. Moreover, the applicants must have acquired postdoctoral experience and merits beyond dissertation. Experience and participation in the field of third party funding, mobility experience and evidence of experience in university teaching are also expected. German and English language skills on a minimum level of C1 or the willingness to achieve that within two years after employment as well as additional proficiency of another living language are requested. Applicants must have outstanding management, team and intercultural communication skills, and leadership competencies.

Information on the position
The successful candidate will be offered a 6-year position as University Assistant/Assistant Profes-sor within the Unit of Peace and Conflict Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and History according to the Austrian regulations on “Qualifizierungsvereinbarung (QV)”. The QV is a transparent and internationally highly competitive tenure track-like system. Successful candidates are initially hired as ‘University Assistants’ and immediately develop their individual tenure criteria (qualification agreement) together with their Institutes within the first few months. As soon as these tenure criteria are set and agreed, the candidates immediately transition into Assistant Professor positions. Final evaluation typically takes place following 5-6 years in order to evaluate the candidates’ success to progress into an Associate Professor position with a permanent contract.

Online application
Applicants must submit a cover letter, an independent research proposal on the level of “Habilita-tion” (5 pages max.), a concept of teaching, at least one essay or book chapter in digital form and two or more letters of recommendation.

All applications for Job Chiffre PHIL-HIST-11999 must be submitted online before September 17th 2021 via the career portal of the University of Innsbruck:
(Klick: “online bewerben”)

Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck seeks to increase the proportion of female scientists in the faculty – so that applications from top-qualified female scientists are especially encouraged. With equal qualification, female applicants will be given priority.

Applicants are not entitled to compensation for the travel and accommodation expenses that arise during the application procedure

The minimum gross salary (stipulated by collective agreement) for this position amounts € 3,804 per month (14 times per year). The salary will be higher if you have worked in a similar position before. Furthermore, the university offers numerous attractive employee benefits:

The full, authoritative text in German (published in the official bulletin of the University of 04.08.2021) can be found at

Faculty of Philosophy and History

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