1 Chair "History of European integration, twentieth century to the present" (European University Institute (EUI), Florence)

Chair in the History of European integration, twentieth century to the present

European University Institute
San Domenico di Fiesole
Vom - Bis
01.09.2022 -
Corinna Unger, Department of History and Civilisation, European University Institute

Chair in the History of European Integration, twentieth century to the present

Chair in the History of European integration, twentieth century to the present

The Department of History and Civilisation seeks candidates with an established record in research and supervision on the processes of integration, cooperation, and conflict in Europe over the last century. The position is open to historians specialising in institutional, international, cultural, social, political or economic approaches. We are particularly interested in candidates who combine two or more of these. The Chair also carries the responsibility for co-directing the Alcide De Gasperi Research Center on the History of European Integration.

The European University Institute (EUI) is an equal opportunities employer and takes into account the importance of balance in gender, geographical and minority representation.
The successful candidate will be expected to provide major input in research, teaching, supervision and administration, as follows:

- To develop and lead research in the fields mentioned in the profile;
- To promote the integration of his/her research with other research interests within the Department of History and Civilisation as well as interdisciplinary research with the other Departments and Centres of the EUI; candidates are invited to take into consideration the research priorities and existing research projects of the Department of History and Civilisation (eui.eu);
- To maintain a high national and international profile of publications in books and in internationally recognised journals;
- To acquire research funding on an individual basis and in collaboration with others.

Teaching and supervision:
- To teach effectively postgraduate students both in introductory and research seminars;
- To provide high quality doctoral supervision and attract research students to the EUI;
- To act as mentor for Max Weber fellows and other postdoctoral fellows.

- To make a significant contribution to the promotion of the EUI, and to contribute to the transition of EUI alumni into professional life, especially in academic careers;
- To make the best use of his/her research budget and try to supplement it with outside funding;
- To provide support for the Head of Department, amongst others by serving on appropriate Committees, and to contribute fully to the general life the Department and the Institute;
- To contribute to the promotion of cultural diversity in the Department and the EUI.


Professor Giorgio Riello, Head of Department, giorgio.riello@eui.eu

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