1 Post-doc "ERC DATAREV Project" (Univ. of Vienna)

Federico D'Onofrio, Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna

At the Department of Economic and Social History of the University of Vienna Faculty of History, Dr. Federico D'Onofrio is looking for a Post-Doctoral researcher in Economic History (VwGr. B1 lit. B, 100%, in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement, 14 monthly wages) as soon as possible. The position is renewable up to 36 months. The Post-doctoral researcher will be part of the DATAREV team.

Post-doc in Economic or Business History

The project DATAREV, “Leading the first data revolution in European agriculture: farm accountancy data and their impact 1870-1945” is funded by ERC Starting Grant 949722 and investigates the diffusion of farm accountancy offices of continental Europe since the 1870s and the use of farm accountancy data by state and non-state actors in the first half of the 20th century.

The successful candidate will contribute to the creation and management of a database of farm accountancy data and will be responsible for a specific subproject on European agriculturalists and the Great Depression.

Documents to be submitted:
- Letter of motivation
- Scientific curriculum vitae incl. list of publications, list of taught courses and teaching evaluations (if available), list of third-party funding (if available) list of lecturing activities
- Contact addresses for references



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