2 PhD positions (f/m/d) "Religion and Urbanity" (Univ. Erfurt)

2 x positions for PhD projects

Universität Erfurt, Max-Weber-Kolleg (Nordhäuser Strasse 63)
Nordhäuser Strasse 63
Gefördert durch
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Vom - Bis
01.10.2022 - 30.09.2026
Klara-Maeve O'Reilly, Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt

The research group „Religion and Urbanity“ (DFG, FOR 2779) investigates the reciprocal formation of urban and religious life, actors, institutions and imaginaries in its historical depth for cities in Europe, the Mediterranean and South Asia, from the first century BCE onwards. Successful candidates will participate in the project’s interdisciplinary research programme & engage in joint research and conferences. We ask candidates to submit a proposal situated within the UrbRel framework.

2 x positions for PhD projects

The Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies „Religion and Urbanity“ (FOR 2779), based at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, currently invites applications for up to

2 doctoral positions for PhD projects (f/m/d)

Pay level E 13 according to the Collective Labour Agreement for Public Services “TV-L” (65 %) to the extent of 26 hours/week starting on October 1, 2022 or at the earliest possible

The research group „Religion and Urbanity“ (DFG, FOR 2779) investigates the reciprocal formation of urban and religious life, actors, institutions and imaginaries in its historical depth for cities in Europe, the Mediterranean and South Asia, from the first century BCE onwards. Successful candidates will participate in the project’s interdisciplinary research programme and engage in joint research and conferences. We ask candidates to submit a proposal situated within the “Religion and Urbanity” framework, ideally also relating to one of the following processes: “group formation and segmentation“, “mer-
cantilisation“ or “boundary demarcation“. In addition to your own research, you will collaborate closely with the other members of the “Religion and Urbanity” core group and international research fellows.

Area of Responsibility
- individual research with the aim of successfully completing your doctoral dissertation at the Max Weber Centre
- active participation in the interdisciplinary research programme and self-administration of the research group "Religion and Urbanity"
- teaching
- administrative duties related to the project

What we expect
- excellent degree (MA or comparable) in History, History of Religion, Classics, or a related field
- organisational skills and intercultural competencies
- excellent knowledge of the languages relevant to the proposed project
- conversation management skills
- language skills: fluency in English, basic command of German and willingness to improve during contract is desired; the theses might be written in English or German

What we offer
The University of Erfurt seeks to actively promote the compatibility of families and careers, offering flexible working hours and further training opportunities as well as a range of health and prevention offers as part of the company health management.

The German version of this job advertisement alone shall be legally binding. You can find more information on the websites of the research group at the Max Weber Centre and the UrbRel blog. Research results are continuously published on the open
access platform "Religion and Urbanity Online". The positions are limited to up to four years, depending on legal and personal requirements.
This call is directed towards candidates who meet the requirements of the Scientific Temporary Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz). The general conditions of
employment according to § 91 section 5 of the Thuringian Higher Education Act apply.
If you have a foreign university degree, it is necessary to apply the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZAB) for a certificate
evaluation. Please include the certificate of this evaluation with your application documents. Please note that this service provided by the ZAB is fee-paying. You can find further information at www.kmk.org/zab/zeugnisbewertung.

The University of Erfurt is an equal opportunities employer in compliance with the Thuringian Equal Opportunities Act (Thüringer Gleichstellungsgesetz). It is committed to the values of diversity and gender equality. It has been audited as a "family-friendly university" and has received the rating "Equality excellent" for its programme supporting female professors. Men are underrepresented in this group and are explicitly encour-
aged to apply. Handicapped candidates are treated preferentially in the case of equal suitability, professional performance and qualification. Please direct any queries to Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau (e-mail: susanne.rau@uni-erfurt.de) or Prof. Dr. Jörg Rüpke (e-mail: joerg.ruepke@uni-erfurt.de).

Application and Deadline
Please submit your application, including all relevant documents:
- CV
- copies of your school and university degrees
- an outline of your proposed project of approx. 2000-2500 words including a strin-
gent discussion of your research questions, state of research, methodology and
guiding hypotheses
- a work plan
- a recent letter of recommendation
- a digital version of your MA thesis
Only applications received online via the university's application management system will be considered. The application deadline is July 30, 2022.

Reimbursement of Expenses
The University of Erfurt does not refund any costs incurred in the application process.
